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mercoledì 15 maggio 2013

According to Vincenzo Nesci, President and CEO of Orascom Telecom Algeria "Optimum Telecom Algeria has been created"

According Algeria,
"Optimum Telecom Algeria has been created"
"We created Optimum Telecom Algeria on December 2." This is what he said Vincenzo Nesci, CEO of Djezzy, during a press conference between sessions Fikra. "The new company was created" to respect the rule of 51/49, he adds. Djezzy is helped, in a tight case, UBS - Union of Swiss Banks.

Djezzy leader also said that "there are still some legal issues to resolve," without giving further details, because, he says, he is bound by a confidentiality clause. He said, however, that discussions between Vimpelcom and the Algerian government "continue." By cons, we know there are seven new shareholders who are in the capital of the new company, but their identity is not disclosed. And to be at high altitude

there are four Algerians three foreign shareholders, according to a source close to the case and who wants to remain anonymous. In addition, the CEO said he was respectful of Algerian law and abides by the rules of law in force for the creation of businesses in the country. The new company is now an empty shell can become the next mobile telecommunications operator PPPs of a public-private partnership. The only drawback lies in Cevital shareholder. In fact, what side he will be?

In block 51% or 49% in the part. And this poses many problems. If Cevital is at stake to 49%, this means that the actions Vimpelcom will be less and if Cevital is in the range of 51%, it means that he puts Vimpelcom and the National Bank of Fund-FNI-at the same level for all the important decisions, the two partners must imperatively negotiate with Cevital. As for the future of OTA Djezzy CEO say that not in a hurry "so that things are done well," because, he says, we must "give time for reflection." In the meantime, he says, there are many projects in Algeria, including the launch of 3G and mobile payment. It has, for this country to benefit from the experience of Vimpelcom in these areas.

Also, he said that "this technology will be a very important contribution to the development of the phone market, and Algeria profit from the experiences of other countries such as Russia or Italy." Going further, he said that "the data are the major axis of the growth of its business in 2013." All indications are that the problem is resolved Djezzy to the benefit of all consumers.
Selon Vincenzo Nesci, PDG d’Orascom Télécom Algérie « Optimum Télécom Algérie vient d’être créée »

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