Located in Quebec, where he leads a train of qualified life of "extravagant" by his ex-wife Nada Rouabhia, certainly above his means, his annual income not exceeding 75,000 Canadian dollars before her divorce in 2007 , Reda Bedjaoui, nephew of former Algerian Foreign Minister Mohamed Bedjaoui has bought a luxurious building Place Ramezay in Montreal for 1.8 million Canadian dollars. Reda Bedjaoui, who lives in Canada since the emigration of his family in the early 1990s, had another house at 1 Loons street, he had to yield to Rouabhia Nada and her children after her divorce. He also had two luxury cars: a Land Rover LR3 2005 Series and Porsche Cayenne.
He has been living between Montreal and Dubai where he resides at 2201 Dubai Burj Residence Tower. Its Canadian companies being dissolved for almost five years, Reda is no activity since. How has he managed the price of her apartment in Dubai where the habitable square meter is more expensive in the world and how was he able to finance the purchase in May, this new "condo" Place Ramezay in Montreal, knowing that he has given, as part of the divorce proceedings, his shares in the former home to his children?
He confesses his involvement in the activities of his brother Farid
Reda Bedjaoui, who attempted a career as a lawyer before entering into business with his brother, Farid, creating two companies - Bedex Agrofood Interational and Mexicafé - specialized in the trading of agri-food products, has subsequently, involved in financial engineering activities of his brother Farid, founder of the investment company Asset Managment FZ Ryan, based in Dubai, which has benefited from a Sonatrach deposit of around 2 billion US dollars. Revenues ghttp: //www.algerie360.com/wp-admin/post-new.phpénérés by its companies in Canada not sufficient to fund his lifestyle and subsequently binding costs of his divorce occurred in 2007, Reda Bedjaoui has always benefited from the generosity of his family, including his brother Farid, who turns him money regularly - only 250 000 USD on his account at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) and, for the only time in 2005 / 2006 - Mohamed and his uncle, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs.
According to his affidavit to the judge of the Family Division of the Superior Court of Montreal, as part of his divorce proceedings, in which we have a copy, R. Bedjaoui confessed to have involved in the activities of his brother Farid . "The defendant (his ex-wife, ed) is also aware of my attempts to find new sources of income for two years, given the company's declining profitability that I own with my brother, especially through involvement in the activities of my brother Farid, whose success in the investment fund industry is public domain, "he said. We approached Reda Bedjaoui through his Canadian lawyer, Jeffrey Boro My and Jonathan Gordon, to learn more about the tasks he would have accomplished on behalf of his brother, but the nephew of former Foreign Minister did not bother to answer our questions. His recent real estate acquisitions nevertheless let plane a strong suspicion of concealment of commissions paid to his brother Farid and money laundering. Farid Bedjaoui, it must be remembered, is on the run since early 2014. He is wanted by the Milan prosecutors whose magistrates investigating since 2011 on contracts obtained in Algeria by Saipem, a subsidiary of the Italian giant ENI between 2007 and 2009, suspect he has served as an intermediary in the award of these contracts in return for commissions amounting to just over USD 200 million. Money that would have been used to bribe officials of the national company Sonatrach and Algerian politicians including former Energy Minister Chakib Khelil.
Montreal law stipulates the division of the couple's assets at 50% for each partner in case of divorce and the former wife of Reda challenged the property declared by the latter who had to justify the origin of the money he spent. In his testimony, Nada told the judge that Reda held a Swiss bank account and she knows because she had used. She also revealed that he was traveling by private jet Bedjaoui and the family hid in the French tax authorities part of the sale of real property by transferring product in Canada as a gift. A gift Reda claims to be a gift from his uncle Mohamed birth of her twins, Bassem and Malek.
The Gift 200 000 USD Mohamed Bedjaoui to his great-nephews
In the letter dated December 2001 he sent his nephew Reda and the latter has presented as proof in court to demonstrate the generosity of his family who would, he said, causing expansion Heritage torque, Mohamed Bedjaoui, judge at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, promised to pay him a "fistful of dollars": 100 000 USD to each of the twins who had just been born. A gift in recognition for his contribution to the "success" of the family Bedjaoui and happiness he gave him, first by passing his test as a lawyer and then giving birth to these twins. "I ask you to welcome this gesture I make, without much imagination or originality, for what it is: a pleasure that I myself first, selfishly, a joy to express yourself, as well as Nada, my love then, of improperly satisfaction and pride that I finally felt before this success for Bedjaoui family, I am passing my part ... boulimiquement.
Be very affectionately. Your uncle, "it said in the letter in which we hold a copy. The 200 000 USD were transferred by Mohamed Bedjaoui January 18, 2001 on behalf of Reda at CIBC. If Mohamed Bedjaoui returned to France from his government's ouster in 2007, his nephew Reda him, so his time between Montreal and Dubai. Again, Reda did not comment on the assertion of his ex-wife about the French tax authorities to conceal a portion of the proceeds from sale of property of the family. "Your statements are part of a fanciful interpretation of matrimonial proceedings which date back nearly a decade and which fall within the private sphere. We note the defamatory nature of your 'issues' will keep you accountable and event publishing information that you know misleading and prejudicial to our client, "were content to say his lawyers.
Quoted by the protagonists in the affair of the East-West highway alongside his brother Farid continued today by the Milan prosecutors in the case Sonatrach / Saipem and which is the subject of an arrest international arrest, Reda is passed between the mesh of the Algerian justice. Detailing the investigative judge the main beneficiaries of commissions and the distribution system set up, Sid-Ahmed Addou Tajeddine who was sentenced to seven years in prison in the case of the East-West Highway, said Reda would have benefited from a commission of around 1.25% of the value of this market that rises in its part the Chinese entrusted to more than 6 billion USD. The investigation that led to the Italian judges of bribes paid by Saipem to Algerian officials to win contracts with Sonatrach, was also spared, not revealing the names of Farid and Ryan Asset Managment FZ.
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