Some pictures of the Algerian Berber woman of today.
Algeria is determined to improve in terms of women's rights such as pioneer in the Arab world, despite the persistence of some forms of discrimination. To do this, he decided to make common cause with the United Nations through a cooperation program on "Strengthening the effectiveness of equal rights between men and women."
A program will be officially launched today Thursday in Algiers, in the presence of representatives of the various partners involved in its implementation. Opinion of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (Women), the project has received financial support from Belgium to the tune of € 1.5 million and is spread over a two years (2015- 2017), we have learned by the project promoters. It aims to "support the institutional dynamics and civil society for the defense and promotion of human rights of women in Algeria, in favor of real equality between the sexes," says a note from the Women in Algeria.
Three priority areas of intervention will be according to the UN document: it is primarily "the promotion of political participation" of women by strengthening the capacity of national and local elected officials to ensure that they "have a real influence in the decision process."
The program will be launched on Thursday
The second line will target the "prevention of and fight against violence against women", including improved support for victims based on the action plan for the implementation of the national strategy to fight against this phenomenon. Finally, the last axis will focus on "the spread of the values of equality 'through the media, will play a" "role in raising awareness through different media, in the sense of" active defense opinions and practices speech promote non-sexist ", in particular for the younger audience. sign of the interest of the government attaches to this program, several ministries are involved in its development work.
There is talk of National Solidarity, Family and the Status of Women, Communication and the Interior and Local Government. Both Houses of Parliament will be involved in this program, as well as representatives of civil society (associations, various organizations).
Pushing the limits of the rights
UN Women representation of multi-country Maghreb Bureau and the national coordinator of the programs of UN Women in Algeria will also be part of this ambitious project that aims to put the Algerian woman to her true place in society. This program is in line with the new development agenda (2015-2030) women devoting the United Nations as "having equal rights to share all human rights are universal and indivisible."
This applies in civil unrest, political, economic, social, cultural or environmental Women of the United Nations. Algeria is a great opportunity to promote women's rights, which benefited recently acquired by indisputable also in politics where a representative share is also necessary for the parties in their electoral lists under penalty "beings falsified
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