These police operations were completed in the fight against the creation of places of debauchery and prostitution, the illegal sale of alcoholic beverages and narcotics trafficking. So, and as reported by the wilaya of document security, at first, it is the criminal police brigade under the SW. PJ Wilaya of security that occurred on the way to No. 128 wilaya. They have targeted at this level, a place commonly known Assif N'boghni (Oued Boghni), turned into a local place of debauchery and illegal sale of alcoholic beverages. The transaction involved the same source for the arrest of one (01) men and seven (07) women of easy virtue. These are from different parts of the country. Presented last Monday to the prosecutor of Draa El Mizan, to create a place of debauchery and prostitution, the illegal sale of alcoholic beverages, incitement to debauchery, urging for the practice of prostitution, three (03) women were in custody , and five (05) interpelées others were summoned to appear. In the same context, the fight against the creation of places of debauchery and prostitution and illegal sale of alcohol is on the way of wilaya No. 128, connecting to Draa Ben-Khedda Boghni, a similar operation was carried out by firefighters and search investigations under SW.PJ. This time, the operation led to the arrest in a makeshift place of debauchery, a (01) male and thirteen (13) promiscuous women came from different regions of the country. Presented Monday to the prosecutor of Tizi Ouzou-seven (07) and women (01), the man was taken into custody, and six (06) others were summoned to appear, specify the cell communication, recalling the objections raises against them, namely the creation of a place of debauchery and prostitution, incitement to debauchery, soliciting for the purpose of practice prostitution. In another aspect, the fight against the possession and sale of narcotics, two individuals, a man and a woman, were arrested in possession of a quantity of 04 grams of cocaine and about 09 grams of treated Kif says the same statement . An operation made possible by the exploitation of intelligence reports of drug trafficking in Tizi Ouzou-for the same services of research and investigation, under the watchful SW.PJ. Presented Tuesday, the prosecutor of Tizi Ouzou, for possession of drugs (cocaine and Kif) for marketing purposes, were taken into custody, the statement concluded.
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