Origin of Burqa !!!
It would be good to remember these current wearers of the Burqa, maybe they would dress up.
Burqa is the cult of Astarte in ancient Mesopotamia.
To honor the goddess of Physical Love, all women, without exception, must prostitute each year in sacred woods surrounding the goddess's temples.
In order to avoid being recognized, women of the upper society are used to veiling the body completely.
And remember this: Mustapha Kemal, Ataturk, Turkey's first president 1923-1938, had found the trick right to silence the fundamentalists of the time.
It had put a deadline for burqa wearers, by a simple law, with immediate effect, all Turkish women have the right to dress as they wish.
However, all prostitutes must wear burqa.
The next day there was no woman wearing the burqa throughout Turkey.
And it is still in force until today.
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