According to "Algérie"
Moroccan attacks against Algeria proportions now taking seriously threaten the relationship, already so random, between the two countries. Almost all officials are entering the king, of course, but also all the government officials and diplomats in the kingdom. The tone is aggressive, no shade and deliberately provocative.
This is certainly not the war, but peace at all, either! On Wednesday, two members of the government building, namely the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Communications, returned to the charge. It will also go after the Algerian press who treat you with contempt, implying that it was a propaganda tool in the hands of the Algerian government. El Khalfi, "the Moroccan press is independent." Feel his Algerian counterpart did not.
In addition, "Morocco, when he wants to express a position, it does so in a clear and simple way." However, he will specify, forgetting yet clear in passing that the Algerian press tore his years of independence before the Makhzan tolerate a small opening under control: "The media campaign of hatred by some Algerian media and takes sometimes hostile aspects significantly in particular about the Sahara. "
Itself, is something more than a media, political and diplomatic campaign to limit a true declaration of war against Algeria? No actual speech by Hassan II to today, the last being that of Mohammed VI, July 30, has never spared Algeria.
"Amir El Faithful" who spoke on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of his enthronement did not forget to book our "dose" habitual. For him, it is Algeria that blocks the building the Arab Maghreb Union, which insists on keeping its borders closed to the detriment of the aspirations of the peoples of the region, etc. Only that our next prestigious forgotten to remember the circumstances that led Algeria to close its borders in 1994.
Algeria, which at that time was facing terrorism on an unprecedented scale, it is indecently accused of masterminding the attacks in Marrakech Rabat as has refused to extradite a dangerous emir of the GIA, Abdelhak Layada. Hassan II would also make a card blackmail to bring its eastern neighbors to abandon their position in relation to the Saharawi people.
These boundaries where we come to the present day, massive amounts of drugs. Huge amounts so that show a real desire to bother pushing their country of origin. The same "work" is done by the harmful side services Moroccan our southern border with Mali, where the same Makhzan exploits a terrorist group with the aim of maintaining a voltage source to destabilize Algeria. More isolated than ever on the international scene on the Sahrawi issue, Rabat is known, systematically uses this diversion since 1975.
The expansionist ambitions of the Kingdom of Morocco only date or today or after the "Green March", or simply covering the Western Sahara. Morocco, which continues to call for the reopening of the borders with Algeria has in fact never recognized these borders! This is actually the only country with which the demarcation of the border has never been done with the independent Algeria

Moroccan attacks against Algeria proportions now taking seriously threaten the relationship, already so random, between the two countries. Almost all officials are entering the king, of course, but also all the government officials and diplomats in the kingdom. The tone is aggressive, no shade and deliberately provocative.
This is certainly not the war, but peace at all, either! On Wednesday, two members of the government building, namely the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Communications, returned to the charge. It will also go after the Algerian press who treat you with contempt, implying that it was a propaganda tool in the hands of the Algerian government. El Khalfi, "the Moroccan press is independent." Feel his Algerian counterpart did not.
In addition, "Morocco, when he wants to express a position, it does so in a clear and simple way." However, he will specify, forgetting yet clear in passing that the Algerian press tore his years of independence before the Makhzan tolerate a small opening under control: "The media campaign of hatred by some Algerian media and takes sometimes hostile aspects significantly in particular about the Sahara. "
Itself, is something more than a media, political and diplomatic campaign to limit a true declaration of war against Algeria? No actual speech by Hassan II to today, the last being that of Mohammed VI, July 30, has never spared Algeria.
"Amir El Faithful" who spoke on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of his enthronement did not forget to book our "dose" habitual. For him, it is Algeria that blocks the building the Arab Maghreb Union, which insists on keeping its borders closed to the detriment of the aspirations of the peoples of the region, etc. Only that our next prestigious forgotten to remember the circumstances that led Algeria to close its borders in 1994.
Algeria, which at that time was facing terrorism on an unprecedented scale, it is indecently accused of masterminding the attacks in Marrakech Rabat as has refused to extradite a dangerous emir of the GIA, Abdelhak Layada. Hassan II would also make a card blackmail to bring its eastern neighbors to abandon their position in relation to the Saharawi people.
These boundaries where we come to the present day, massive amounts of drugs. Huge amounts so that show a real desire to bother pushing their country of origin. The same "work" is done by the harmful side services Moroccan our southern border with Mali, where the same Makhzan exploits a terrorist group with the aim of maintaining a voltage source to destabilize Algeria. More isolated than ever on the international scene on the Sahrawi issue, Rabat is known, systematically uses this diversion since 1975.
The expansionist ambitions of the Kingdom of Morocco only date or today or after the "Green March", or simply covering the Western Sahara. Morocco, which continues to call for the reopening of the borders with Algeria has in fact never recognized these borders! This is actually the only country with which the demarcation of the border has never been done with the independent Algeria

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