The organization of the Islamic state promises a long war without due in Algeria in a video posted on July 14, 2015. One of the speakers is up to promise "the reconquest of Andalusia." They are to be identified.
The video is still available on the sites closest to the Organization of the Islamic state. E 'was deleted from Youtube, but continues to circulate on social networks. In a new video of propaganda, they are three sitting at the foot of a large tree and present themselves as fighters Daech. Only two of them talked. The first, Abu Hafs Al el Djazaïri critical Algeria occurred in Mali and dedicates his country of origin to the worst public slander. It promises a lot of blood and revenge. "Between us and you there will be a long war. Muslims, democracy is a religion without God, in disbelief. There are still parts (Islamists) who want to reaffirm the democratic experience, despite what has happened in the 90 (dissolution of the party Islamic Salvation Front after the elections in 1991, editor's note). The only way is jihad and only jihad ".
Bluff? At Hafs el Djazaïri it suggests that there would Daech elements in number in Algeria. "We are proud of the loyalty of our brothers Skikda (town 468 km east of Algiers, editor's note) and the Sahara."
Speaking a procedure shorter, Abou El Baraa Al Djazaïri is more threatening: "For the Algerian military, we say that we will make the war until the reconquest of Andalusia. Repent before the arrival of our swords."
The identity of the three fighters Daech was raised from the site Secretdiaf3 highly informed (Secret-Defense), specialized in military intelligence: "As announced by themselves, are Algerians, would join the EI there a few months and are called war, Abu Hafs that comes from Boudouaou, Abu Abd Al Barr, who is from the district of eucalyptus in Algiers and Abu Dherr, who is also his Boudouaou in the wilaya of Boumerdes. "
Daech weighing in Algeria? The Algerian press is skeptical about its importance. The only group presenting itself as belonging to the Organization of the Islamic state after its alliance of Jund al-Khalifa who visited infamous removing and killing the French mountain guide Hervé Gourdel. The group has been decimated by the army in Algeria in May 2015.

The video is still available on the sites closest to the Organization of the Islamic state. E 'was deleted from Youtube, but continues to circulate on social networks. In a new video of propaganda, they are three sitting at the foot of a large tree and present themselves as fighters Daech. Only two of them talked. The first, Abu Hafs Al el Djazaïri critical Algeria occurred in Mali and dedicates his country of origin to the worst public slander. It promises a lot of blood and revenge. "Between us and you there will be a long war. Muslims, democracy is a religion without God, in disbelief. There are still parts (Islamists) who want to reaffirm the democratic experience, despite what has happened in the 90 (dissolution of the party Islamic Salvation Front after the elections in 1991, editor's note). The only way is jihad and only jihad ".
Bluff? At Hafs el Djazaïri it suggests that there would Daech elements in number in Algeria. "We are proud of the loyalty of our brothers Skikda (town 468 km east of Algiers, editor's note) and the Sahara."
Speaking a procedure shorter, Abou El Baraa Al Djazaïri is more threatening: "For the Algerian military, we say that we will make the war until the reconquest of Andalusia. Repent before the arrival of our swords."
The identity of the three fighters Daech was raised from the site Secretdiaf3 highly informed (Secret-Defense), specialized in military intelligence: "As announced by themselves, are Algerians, would join the EI there a few months and are called war, Abu Hafs that comes from Boudouaou, Abu Abd Al Barr, who is from the district of eucalyptus in Algiers and Abu Dherr, who is also his Boudouaou in the wilaya of Boumerdes. "
Daech weighing in Algeria? The Algerian press is skeptical about its importance. The only group presenting itself as belonging to the Organization of the Islamic state after its alliance of Jund al-Khalifa who visited infamous removing and killing the French mountain guide Hervé Gourdel. The group has been decimated by the army in Algeria in May 2015.
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