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domenica 2 giugno 2013

Bouteflika succession: Zeroual, the only man who can unite all Algerians?

Enough with the lies about the poor wretches that hover like flies that make every moment of (shit) of the past. Do not you realize that we did not have enough experience of oppression, dictatorship, poverty, idleness, delinquency with the old regimes that have transformed into various robot. Our people are fully geared towards aggressive-minded and full of taboo. We drank cups filled with tears of love and despair, sadness and shame. E 'in Algeria say that there is not a man at the height of directing the state is really a shame to hide and continue to hide the truth to the people who, unfortunately, is firmly convinced that this virtual government that continues to boast and inflate collected from the pockets of hydrocarbons Algerians. These gentlemen who have never admitted the existence of an Algerian people subjected to domination notwithstanding, it is a contempt for the dictatorship of cultural, historical and business. A people that has not had a chance to grow, and despite the richness of its soil, it is learned that the poorest neighboring countries such as Morocco that builds buildings and infrastructure of high level.
In Algeria, there are men and leaders who can lead the country peacefully without focusing each time on trivial confrontations of the past, without any tangible return. So, because there is an infinite number of parts?
Where is the democracy that has never existed in Algeria? It 's always the FLN has lead the country forward? there are always excuses unfounded: Once this is because of the Islamists and the other is for the Kabyle and the other? This is because of who?
The president should be voted by the people and not by parliament thief. Everyone is tired of the FLN party since 1962 but few have the courage to protest. This is ridiculous! Even today there is still the people who expect the news in the next few thieves status?
Succession de Bouteflika : Liamine Zeroual, le seul homme qui peut fédérer tous les Algériens ?
Liamine Zeroual , ex president of Algeria on years 90. 

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