According to "Algérie"
The refined control of record debt, the generalization of entry into scammers national file (FNF) of executives and shareholders of companies specialized importers or recovery of the payment by letter of credit for import for resale in the state. The measures that governments, determined to more offensive, they decided to implement to better combat the illicit transfer of capital abroad
The illegal transfer of capital abroad is growing, reaching astronomical figures as several investigations conducted by customs in recent years.
A phenomenon that is worrying because it borrows various forms, including the import of goods without commercial value and neglect, clearance of goods and lightly taxed excessively overloaded, money transfers without return merchandise landing as well as double billing for same import.
An equally worrying phenomenon when authors take advantage of preferential tax regimes or special in Algeria or granted by trade agreements with the European Union or as part of the Greater Arab Free Trade Zone. True, the National Customs struggling to stem fraud, constrained by the notion sometimes uncertain value, the insufficient involvement of the customs authorities of different countries in Asia and the disconnect between the control flow of goods and flow control Financial. And although heavy penalties to be recovered are imposed on offenders.
Greater control debt
However, the government does not intend to remain inactive. Well it is believed that many measures to contain this scourge were discussed and matured under the auspices of various organizations and public authorities.
It will be questioning the services of the Bank of Algeria accentuate in 2015, control of the file domiciliation bank account abroad, targeting banks and operators active in the import. O strengthening control over the activities and import operations at risk, those made in countries with lax regulations.
In fact, the services of the Bank of Algeria should aim agencies real-time bank and operators responsible for an increase in imports of goods and services. Public banks will have to develop a Supervisory Committee to verify customer information to the address before the import operation.
Towards a gray list company executives import
Another measure would be promoted by the government, the generalization of entry scammers national file (FNF) under the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI).
In addition, companies, executives and shareholders of the companies import will be included in FNF and therefore included in the list of prohibited commercial register.
A sort of gray list could also include the newly established companies, whose partner or manager owns or manages shares of another company registered in FNF. A charge, however, allow agencies involved in foreign trade, including commercial banks, the Bank of Algeria, costumes and NRC to quickly access this file. Similarly, we might consider requesting a certified customs of actual existence of the goods to be imported before handing the documents to the importer to proceed to clear the goods.
In fact, banks could refuse the domiciliation of foreign trade operations when the previous steps of the same operator are not yet cleared. As we propose to require the transport document (bill of lading), currently in the client's name, in the name of the bank, in order to avoid duplication of objections in several banks with the same bill of lading.
That will monitor any bank
Also to reduce the period of discharge of 4 to record two months, would also expand the release of chargeability of tax charged on all import operations division, not only the main operation. As it is recommended that the bank integrates risk analysis at the source of funds and requires at least a year of effective tax justified. In addition, the bank must strengthen the control measures of previous documents for opening the letter of credit (contract, invoices, price, country of origin), and publish documents from the correspondent bank (bill of lading, delivery).
Towards the consolidation of the sphere of importers
Moreover, the government does not differ a possible specialization of import through specific business registers for each class of goods.
Which clean up the import business for resale in the state. It would also question the capital of the company to import-export increase and must be fully paid up and put in the form of a deposit in a bank or to a specialized institution. In fact, the obligation to use the documentary credit for the import business for resale in the state should be restored.
The restoration of Credoc, a measure imposed in 2009 and subsequently relaxed, it would be justified by the magnitude of exceedances observed. These measures will make it so effective?
C. B.
How to operate the illegal transfer of capital?
Priced at huge amounts of money (tens or hundreds of millions of dollars), the illegal transfers of capital borrowed many forms. Operators, companies usually limited or individual responsibility, importing from China or elsewhere machinery, industrial, but also any kind of waste containers and empty or partially empty.
No commercial value, therefore, these products are often imported under cover-names, sometimes under different preferential arrangements (subject to reduced rates of customs duties, receiving tax benefits and almost ...). Imported for large amounts of currency transferred by banks often home Algerian law, such goods are, on landing, left inside the boxes port and airport. After the expiry of the law, the customs authorities of the opening, often experimenting with different products manifested goods, inferior goods, rusty cargo and / or more years, or a value below the amount billed to or higher than its share price (high unit price stated gross). There was also the illegal transfer when goods at low duty and excessively overloaded erased.
In addition to the transfer of currency without landing goods counterpart, the phenomenon is also reflected in the double billing for the same import. This is a new process fraudulent, the amount transferred is different from the representation. The transfer can also occur through the smugglers used regular trips round leading funds in foreign currency purchased on the black market from ports, airports and land borders between Algeria and Tunisia. During the years 2011, 2012 and 2013, the equivalent of over 670 million dinars was intercepted by Customs travelers and the amount of the fines incurred amounted to over 1,350 billion dinars.
As well as the transfer takes place via traders well known in many places wilayas in Algeria, by making the deposit of funds in dinars in their offices, and the receipt of foreign bank accounts or the equivalent in euro dollar, the rate of the parallel market. Illegal money transfers can also be made by making false customs declarations for export consists of the lower limit of the values declared to customs.
This is for scammers to repatriate are well below the actual price of foreign sales of their goods.
C. B.
Even the cinderblock and horses are victims
The services of the Algiers-Outdoor customs would find recently imported two containers containing block (concrete block) recorded a value of tens of thousands of dollars! A fraudulent practice on the horse, sometimes imported overrated. Presented as candidates qu'équins race when he is as normal horses, for the work of the soil and traction. On the other hand, imports of gold made particularly aware of the years 2012 and 2013 from countries GAFTA raise strong suspicions of fraud on the origin and values. I suspect also weigh on the software customs import taxed based on the value of the carrier medium (disk, CD ...)

The refined control of record debt, the generalization of entry into scammers national file (FNF) of executives and shareholders of companies specialized importers or recovery of the payment by letter of credit for import for resale in the state. The measures that governments, determined to more offensive, they decided to implement to better combat the illicit transfer of capital abroad
The illegal transfer of capital abroad is growing, reaching astronomical figures as several investigations conducted by customs in recent years.
A phenomenon that is worrying because it borrows various forms, including the import of goods without commercial value and neglect, clearance of goods and lightly taxed excessively overloaded, money transfers without return merchandise landing as well as double billing for same import.
An equally worrying phenomenon when authors take advantage of preferential tax regimes or special in Algeria or granted by trade agreements with the European Union or as part of the Greater Arab Free Trade Zone. True, the National Customs struggling to stem fraud, constrained by the notion sometimes uncertain value, the insufficient involvement of the customs authorities of different countries in Asia and the disconnect between the control flow of goods and flow control Financial. And although heavy penalties to be recovered are imposed on offenders.
Greater control debt
However, the government does not intend to remain inactive. Well it is believed that many measures to contain this scourge were discussed and matured under the auspices of various organizations and public authorities.
It will be questioning the services of the Bank of Algeria accentuate in 2015, control of the file domiciliation bank account abroad, targeting banks and operators active in the import. O strengthening control over the activities and import operations at risk, those made in countries with lax regulations.
In fact, the services of the Bank of Algeria should aim agencies real-time bank and operators responsible for an increase in imports of goods and services. Public banks will have to develop a Supervisory Committee to verify customer information to the address before the import operation.
Towards a gray list company executives import
Another measure would be promoted by the government, the generalization of entry scammers national file (FNF) under the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI).
In addition, companies, executives and shareholders of the companies import will be included in FNF and therefore included in the list of prohibited commercial register.
A sort of gray list could also include the newly established companies, whose partner or manager owns or manages shares of another company registered in FNF. A charge, however, allow agencies involved in foreign trade, including commercial banks, the Bank of Algeria, costumes and NRC to quickly access this file. Similarly, we might consider requesting a certified customs of actual existence of the goods to be imported before handing the documents to the importer to proceed to clear the goods.
In fact, banks could refuse the domiciliation of foreign trade operations when the previous steps of the same operator are not yet cleared. As we propose to require the transport document (bill of lading), currently in the client's name, in the name of the bank, in order to avoid duplication of objections in several banks with the same bill of lading.
That will monitor any bank
Also to reduce the period of discharge of 4 to record two months, would also expand the release of chargeability of tax charged on all import operations division, not only the main operation. As it is recommended that the bank integrates risk analysis at the source of funds and requires at least a year of effective tax justified. In addition, the bank must strengthen the control measures of previous documents for opening the letter of credit (contract, invoices, price, country of origin), and publish documents from the correspondent bank (bill of lading, delivery).
Towards the consolidation of the sphere of importers
Moreover, the government does not differ a possible specialization of import through specific business registers for each class of goods.
Which clean up the import business for resale in the state. It would also question the capital of the company to import-export increase and must be fully paid up and put in the form of a deposit in a bank or to a specialized institution. In fact, the obligation to use the documentary credit for the import business for resale in the state should be restored.
The restoration of Credoc, a measure imposed in 2009 and subsequently relaxed, it would be justified by the magnitude of exceedances observed. These measures will make it so effective?
C. B.
How to operate the illegal transfer of capital?
Priced at huge amounts of money (tens or hundreds of millions of dollars), the illegal transfers of capital borrowed many forms. Operators, companies usually limited or individual responsibility, importing from China or elsewhere machinery, industrial, but also any kind of waste containers and empty or partially empty.
No commercial value, therefore, these products are often imported under cover-names, sometimes under different preferential arrangements (subject to reduced rates of customs duties, receiving tax benefits and almost ...). Imported for large amounts of currency transferred by banks often home Algerian law, such goods are, on landing, left inside the boxes port and airport. After the expiry of the law, the customs authorities of the opening, often experimenting with different products manifested goods, inferior goods, rusty cargo and / or more years, or a value below the amount billed to or higher than its share price (high unit price stated gross). There was also the illegal transfer when goods at low duty and excessively overloaded erased.
In addition to the transfer of currency without landing goods counterpart, the phenomenon is also reflected in the double billing for the same import. This is a new process fraudulent, the amount transferred is different from the representation. The transfer can also occur through the smugglers used regular trips round leading funds in foreign currency purchased on the black market from ports, airports and land borders between Algeria and Tunisia. During the years 2011, 2012 and 2013, the equivalent of over 670 million dinars was intercepted by Customs travelers and the amount of the fines incurred amounted to over 1,350 billion dinars.
As well as the transfer takes place via traders well known in many places wilayas in Algeria, by making the deposit of funds in dinars in their offices, and the receipt of foreign bank accounts or the equivalent in euro dollar, the rate of the parallel market. Illegal money transfers can also be made by making false customs declarations for export consists of the lower limit of the values declared to customs.
This is for scammers to repatriate are well below the actual price of foreign sales of their goods.
C. B.
Even the cinderblock and horses are victims
The services of the Algiers-Outdoor customs would find recently imported two containers containing block (concrete block) recorded a value of tens of thousands of dollars! A fraudulent practice on the horse, sometimes imported overrated. Presented as candidates qu'équins race when he is as normal horses, for the work of the soil and traction. On the other hand, imports of gold made particularly aware of the years 2012 and 2013 from countries GAFTA raise strong suspicions of fraud on the origin and values. I suspect also weigh on the software customs import taxed based on the value of the carrier medium (disk, CD ...)

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