The verdict in the trial Khalifa will be made on 23 June by the criminal court of Blida, deliberate departure after nearly six weeks of hearings with the accused and witnesses and the arguments of the defense.
A sentence that will be provided and the extent of government's commitment to fight the scourge of corruption. But by the middle of lawyers and within the political class, they are receiving support in opposition, not made too many illusions about a verdict that will conform to their "predictions".
In confirming that, they say, a "hint" to finish and faster with these scandals splashed government in recent years. In fact, it is argued, a "show trial" can only qu'accoucher a prize of "pure form", because the truth may never know.
Ramdhane TAÂZIBT, MEMBER OF POLITICAL OFFICE PT: "It is a show trial '
"It 'a show trial just because Khalifa has a great responsibility, but the dock, there are a lot of guys to fall. The fundamental problem in these cases of corruption that Sonatrach and Sonatrach II Khalifa, East-West highway and all others that have not been disclosed, the political leaders of those dramas that cost a lot to the nation enjoy immunity as they are not judged.
Whatever the verdict, we will stay on our hunger, because we will never know how such a scandal could occur, and that has left tens of thousands of victims. Of course we, at our level, the answer, we know: the empire Khalifa would not do what he did, without the active connivance of politicians at all political levels of the State. "
Atmane Mazouz, RESPONSIBLE RCD COMMUNICATION "Justice overwhelm, essentially scapegoats"
"That the case is taken under advisement by the Khalifa judge to declare that on June 23 the verdict will be neither fair nor credible. Justice overwhelm, essentially scapegoats instead of the true sponsor. As is the case in the trial of cases of East-West Highway and Sonatrach, there was the whole process Khalifa sessions in which the goal was the occultation of one of the biggest scandals century to finally evacuate the darkest periods Bouteflika era.
Algerians and observers who have followed the process expect that the closing parenthesis Bouteflika clan protected and where ministers involved must be on the shoulders of the nation by means of a subject and arbitrary justice.
The speed with which these cases are dealt with corruption in a compromise full compliance seriously estate under development in laboratories regime. A case that splashed and threatened the very existence of the State can not be treated with this and that neglect in a month. Therefore, the verdict of the trial will be zero Khalifa of ethical, moral and legal. "
Me slice Sadat, BAR advice ALGIERS: "The public hunger"
"I think we are facing a travesty of justice to the extent that the truth will remain unknown time the instigators of this huge financial scandal was no concern and that, as usual, the shadow areas persist and that a certain level of responsibility , that has not been touched by the judicial investigation.
I think the verdict will be pronounced on June 23 will cover the period of detention already served by the accused until the game was marked by the division Indictment and that of the people mentioned that continue to enjoy the status of simple witnesses. Public opinion will remain hungry and, moreover, has already manifested by breaking this process is a travesty of justice, because there is the political will to end the scourge of corruption undermining the country. "
"I believe that, despite the time that it took more than a month, this process has been accelerated because all those allegedly responsible for such a case did not show up in court. Some, however, called as witnesses they have not even presented. What makes us, LADDH, we almost take the position of the Forum for monitoring and coordination of the opposition (Isco) as we believe that this process is only a means to close this folder quickly and thus prevent international justice that It began to be concerned. We believe that there are no conditions for a fair trial. "
Djillali Soufiane PRESIDENT JIL Jadid "Power returning the Khalifa case and all the other"
"When it is based on facts alone, it is clear that the case is heard before the trial. When we hear a judge say that is too small to bring a minister, when dozens of witnesses do not show up because they are part of the system, when the ' main defendant refuses to disclose the names of the people involved without the judge to go further. This is more than sufficient to support the idea that the government wants to send the case Khalifa and everyone else to bury the financial scandals that have involved the highest officials of the country. As long as justice is not independent power, it is the latter that will continue to dictate verdicts ".
"It is a political process and that there is a fair trial in this type of business requires that the basic conditions are met: the independent judiciary, which is not the case with us, and against the existence of real power. We wonder for the coincidence of these studies, a vague desire to settle. The first sectarian, we are witnessing the "theater" as ministers, but simply cited as witnesses, did not deign to appear in court. "

A sentence that will be provided and the extent of government's commitment to fight the scourge of corruption. But by the middle of lawyers and within the political class, they are receiving support in opposition, not made too many illusions about a verdict that will conform to their "predictions".
In confirming that, they say, a "hint" to finish and faster with these scandals splashed government in recent years. In fact, it is argued, a "show trial" can only qu'accoucher a prize of "pure form", because the truth may never know.
Ramdhane TAÂZIBT, MEMBER OF POLITICAL OFFICE PT: "It is a show trial '
"It 'a show trial just because Khalifa has a great responsibility, but the dock, there are a lot of guys to fall. The fundamental problem in these cases of corruption that Sonatrach and Sonatrach II Khalifa, East-West highway and all others that have not been disclosed, the political leaders of those dramas that cost a lot to the nation enjoy immunity as they are not judged.
Whatever the verdict, we will stay on our hunger, because we will never know how such a scandal could occur, and that has left tens of thousands of victims. Of course we, at our level, the answer, we know: the empire Khalifa would not do what he did, without the active connivance of politicians at all political levels of the State. "
Atmane Mazouz, RESPONSIBLE RCD COMMUNICATION "Justice overwhelm, essentially scapegoats"
"That the case is taken under advisement by the Khalifa judge to declare that on June 23 the verdict will be neither fair nor credible. Justice overwhelm, essentially scapegoats instead of the true sponsor. As is the case in the trial of cases of East-West Highway and Sonatrach, there was the whole process Khalifa sessions in which the goal was the occultation of one of the biggest scandals century to finally evacuate the darkest periods Bouteflika era.
Algerians and observers who have followed the process expect that the closing parenthesis Bouteflika clan protected and where ministers involved must be on the shoulders of the nation by means of a subject and arbitrary justice.
The speed with which these cases are dealt with corruption in a compromise full compliance seriously estate under development in laboratories regime. A case that splashed and threatened the very existence of the State can not be treated with this and that neglect in a month. Therefore, the verdict of the trial will be zero Khalifa of ethical, moral and legal. "
Me slice Sadat, BAR advice ALGIERS: "The public hunger"
"I think we are facing a travesty of justice to the extent that the truth will remain unknown time the instigators of this huge financial scandal was no concern and that, as usual, the shadow areas persist and that a certain level of responsibility , that has not been touched by the judicial investigation.
I think the verdict will be pronounced on June 23 will cover the period of detention already served by the accused until the game was marked by the division Indictment and that of the people mentioned that continue to enjoy the status of simple witnesses. Public opinion will remain hungry and, moreover, has already manifested by breaking this process is a travesty of justice, because there is the political will to end the scourge of corruption undermining the country. "
"I believe that, despite the time that it took more than a month, this process has been accelerated because all those allegedly responsible for such a case did not show up in court. Some, however, called as witnesses they have not even presented. What makes us, LADDH, we almost take the position of the Forum for monitoring and coordination of the opposition (Isco) as we believe that this process is only a means to close this folder quickly and thus prevent international justice that It began to be concerned. We believe that there are no conditions for a fair trial. "
Djillali Soufiane PRESIDENT JIL Jadid "Power returning the Khalifa case and all the other"
"When it is based on facts alone, it is clear that the case is heard before the trial. When we hear a judge say that is too small to bring a minister, when dozens of witnesses do not show up because they are part of the system, when the ' main defendant refuses to disclose the names of the people involved without the judge to go further. This is more than sufficient to support the idea that the government wants to send the case Khalifa and everyone else to bury the financial scandals that have involved the highest officials of the country. As long as justice is not independent power, it is the latter that will continue to dictate verdicts ".
"It is a political process and that there is a fair trial in this type of business requires that the basic conditions are met: the independent judiciary, which is not the case with us, and against the existence of real power. We wonder for the coincidence of these studies, a vague desire to settle. The first sectarian, we are witnessing the "theater" as ministers, but simply cited as witnesses, did not deign to appear in court. "
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