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domenica 2 novembre 2014

National industry: Recipe Bouchouareb

According to "Algeria"
industrie_842237_679x417Il is an obvious fact that the domestic industry is the sector that has suffered the most managerial bankrupt government for decades. The result is that Algeria imports almost everything it needs that industrial policy practiced mainly dug the grave in this sector could be the engine of the national economy.

Sign of the decay, the famous "industrial strategy" implemented by Hamid Temmar to major media reinforcements. Ahmed Ouyahia then head of the government was forced to acknowledge that it was just "pipe" and "com". '

Meanwhile, the import-import has experienced a meteoric rise drying up and the treasury currency used to date import kiwis, avocados, vehicles, ...

The government has put nearly $ 60 billion to revive public companies to financial consolidations uninterrupted shots. Without great results since the majority of EPE still experiencing difficulties and their products do not support the competition with imported ones that do not cost much to the privileged circle of people who use this "job" very profitable.

Holdings, GSP groups ... What differences?

The new minister of industry apparently wants to end the decline of the industrial sector; at least if we stick to his statements. The goal is after him to create public champions in their field. We learn through the APS, the Department has retained Bouchouareb 85 records of projects in a dozen areas to embody a new restructuring plan for the commercial public sector.

Elaborated from the development plans of public enterprises and organized by sector of activity, these records contain all the information related to the project in question as the object and the location of the latter, the data relating to the business responsible for its implementation as well as the goals, said the managing director of commercial public sector of the Ministry of Industry and Mines, Ali Oumellal.

As for the sectors concerned, it is those of cement and building materials (17 projects), engineering industry (15), mining (14), manufacturing, electronics, electric and the cables (7 projects each), steel construction, the pharmaceutical industry and the paper and glass (5 projects each) and steel (3 projects) industry and the food industry says the same official.

Tintamarre without Temmar?

He added that the financial requirements for the implementation of these projects have been identified and the funds already allocated. The official said that projects could be carried out in partnership with foreign firms.

Through this reconfiguration of the walking public sector, the government would foster the emergence of large industrial groups with "a flexible system of management based on modern techniques and strategic management."

The patterns of reorganization was recalled le adopted last August by the Council of State Holdings (CPE).

On paper, this seems like an ambitious project. But in fact, the operation like a facelift that does not guarantee performance. Because the industry sector has experienced almost the same mode of management through the 18 management companies of State Holdings (GSP) and before them the famous public holdings.

So if it is to restart plans that failed by just changing acronyms, the Minister would be better advised to be creative at the risk of Tintamarre without Temmar ... The domestic industry has bottomed, it is can dig more.

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