Writing | April 25, 2014 11:13. TONY BLAIR,

Writing | April 25, 2014 11:13. TONY BLAIR,
Read in Le Monde
That preacher Tony Blair against radical Islam! This is the fourth incarnation of the former Prime Minister of the Crown (1997-2007), who had already accumulated three lives since leaving office: lawyer religious ecumenism; representative in the "Quartet" Middle East that includes the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and Russia; rich and full of businessman.
"The thrust of Islam is a serious threat to international security in the twenty-first century", arguing in a speech Wednesday, April 23 in London, a rapprochement with Russia, despite the Ukrainian case, to counter Islamic extremists, the former head of the government has caused a controversy that has been the subject could be called the devil. The amalgam made by the former host of the 10 Downing Street, between Syrian rebels, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Iranian mullahs has caused consternation the Foreign Office. "This is one of the most embarrassing statements for his side of cheese, I could feel from a traditional political," also held Shadi Hamid, an expert on East duProche Brookings Institution, a US think tank.
In the United Kingdom, multi-confessional country, not venture into the field of religion without risk. The current prime minister, David Cameron, has learned from recent sesdépens reaffirming the character "Christian" of the kingdom. Although, in the end, the Conservative leader is not wrong - because Anglicanism, a variant of Protestantism is the state religion - its release caused a big stir in secular circles. Especially now that Protestantism to Catholicism and Islam face again, due to the influx of immigrants from Eastern Europe, on the one hand, the Indian sub-continent, the Maghreb and Africa for that matter.
If the UK was the prime minister in the nineteenth century of Jewish origin (but converted), Benjamin Disraeli, no Catholic has occupied 10 Downing Street. Tony Blair also felt forced to wait for his departure from office before announcing his conversion to Catholicism.
CHARGES racket
Listening to Tony Blair, the Gulf countries symbolize "the values of religious tolerance and open economies and adjust." This statement strengthened the racketeering charges that may put his worst critics.
The architect of New Labour is now a rich man who "weighs" more than 100 million €. In 2009, he founded a consulting firm called Tony Blair Associates. Set in sumptuous offices in Grosvenor Square, in the heart of Mayfair, London's most exclusive, this sign for the happy few customers include Qatar, Kuwait and Development Company, a sovereign fund of Abu Dhabi.
The company gives a hand to autocrats traders of raw materials is not very advisable or mysterious. In September 2012, Mr. Blair had turnover of more than one million Euros of commission for three hours of mediation work to unlock a proposed mergers and acquisitions between Qatar and the Swiss group Glencore commodities.
For these critics, Blair responded that most of the revenues of its activity is reinvested in his two charities, the Foundation for the faith and the association help Africa
To learn more about The World
- See moreat:http://www.algerie-focus.com/blog/2014/04/revue-de-presse-tony-blair-lislam-radical-le-veritable-ennemi-de-loccident/#sthash.1j7JM2jM.dpuf
Writing | April 25, 2014 11:13. TONY BLAIR,
Read in Le Monde
That preacher Tony Blair against radical Islam! This is the fourth incarnation of the former Prime Minister of the Crown (1997-2007), who had already accumulated three lives since leaving office: lawyer religious ecumenism; representative in the "Quartet" Middle East that includes the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and Russia; rich and full of businessman.
"The thrust of Islam is a serious threat to international security in the twenty-first century", arguing in a speech Wednesday, April 23 in London, a rapprochement with Russia, despite the Ukrainian case, to counter Islamic extremists, the former head of the government has caused a controversy that has been the subject could be called the devil. The amalgam made by the former host of the 10 Downing Street, between Syrian rebels, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Iranian mullahs has caused consternation the Foreign Office. "This is one of the most embarrassing statements for his side of cheese, I could feel from a traditional political," also held Shadi Hamid, an expert on East duProche Brookings Institution, a US think tank.
In the United Kingdom, multi-confessional country, not venture into the field of religion without risk. The current prime minister, David Cameron, has learned from recent sesdépens reaffirming the character "Christian" of the kingdom. Although, in the end, the Conservative leader is not wrong - because Anglicanism, a variant of Protestantism is the state religion - its release caused a big stir in secular circles. Especially now that Protestantism to Catholicism and Islam face again, due to the influx of immigrants from Eastern Europe, on the one hand, the Indian sub-continent, the Maghreb and Africa for that matter.
If the UK was the prime minister in the nineteenth century of Jewish origin (but converted), Benjamin Disraeli, no Catholic has occupied 10 Downing Street. Tony Blair also felt forced to wait for his departure from office before announcing his conversion to Catholicism.
CHARGES racket
Listening to Tony Blair, the Gulf countries symbolize "the values of religious tolerance and open economies and adjust." This statement strengthened the racketeering charges that may put his worst critics.
The architect of New Labour is now a rich man who "weighs" more than 100 million €. In 2009, he founded a consulting firm called Tony Blair Associates. Set in sumptuous offices in Grosvenor Square, in the heart of Mayfair, London's most exclusive, this sign for the happy few customers include Qatar, Kuwait and Development Company, a sovereign fund of Abu Dhabi.
The company gives a hand to autocrats traders of raw materials is not very advisable or mysterious. In September 2012, Mr. Blair had turnover of more than one million Euros of commission for three hours of mediation work to unlock a proposed mergers and acquisitions between Qatar and the Swiss group Glencore commodities.
For these critics, Blair responded that most of the revenues of its activity is reinvested in his two charities, the Foundation for the faith and the association help Africa
To learn more about The World
- See moreat:http://www.algerie-focus.com/blog/2014/04/revue-de-presse-tony-blair-lislam-radical-le-veritable-ennemi-de-loccident/#sthash.1j7JM2jM.dpuf
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