Bouchouareb, invited the Forum Channel Radio 1, which is held to answer on these two aspects, pointing out that the state has not given up the subsidy policy, which bases the social character of the State, and the amount and 184 000 000 000 000 cents (1 840 000 000 000 AD) which represents 10% of gross domestic product. He also said that as part of the LF2016, 40% of the state budget will be spent on public investment and 20% will go to grants to citizens.
"It 's true that we are in a crisis and our sales fell by 40%. Despite this, we will continue in our social policy," said Bouchouareb. He described as "irresponsible" the speech of the critics of the Finance Act 2016 has led the owner of the Workers' Party, Louisa Hanoune.
The message is intended for the 91 members of different political persuasions who have written to the president calling him not to sign the legislation. "They want us to go back to 1990 that the President does not sign LF2016? This means that from January 2016 the workers have not received their salaries," he has estimated Bouchouareb.
The other axis of which lived to the minister, the controversial Article 66, on the opening of the capital of the company up to 66%. In this regard, Bouchouareb felt that this article has come to put an end to the privatization indefinitely decided in 2001 by the former Minister Abdelhamid Temmar. "By providing 66 of the Federal Act 2016, we introduced the concept of partnership rather than privatization," said Bouchouareb indicating modesty of SMEs in Algeria. "90% of our SMEs fail to exceed $ 2 billion in revenue. The partnership will allow these companies to increase their sales," said the host of the radio.
According Bouchouareb, those who equate Article 66 of the privatization, demonstrate a lack of knowledge of the mechanisms that regulate. "They do not know the laws that govern Sonatrach. Neither I nor the Prime Minister can not open its capital. Unless the President of the Republic who has the latitude through a decree," says Bouchouareb adding that this rule also applies to Sonelgaz El Hadjar, SNVI, etc. In this regard, he mentioned the contingency plan for an amount of one billion dollars approved by the State Council in favor of companies SNVI.
"After injecting huge sums of money, privatize them. Is that reasonable?" Asks the minister he said that no investor would have agreed to buy a company like SNVI whose debts amount to 1,500 billion centimes. Ditto for El Hadjar.
And in a pike addressed in Louisa Hanoune, not specifically mention, Abdessalam Bouchouareb, that accusation to make in the political recovery, said: "If you aim to create a political conflict from the perspective of the next electoral contests, are still far and the President of the Republic in 2019 ".
Bouchouareb: "2016 will be the mines" This was informed Abdessalam Bouchouareb who recalled that the Finance Act 2016 came with two provisions in favor of the promotion of this sector. In this regard, the Minister of Industry and Mines revealed that the government is accompanied by a famous Canadian laboratory for developing the field of iron Race Djebilet. The study conducted by the laboratory have confirmed that the content of phosphorus in the ore is 0.8%, which makes it unlikely that its marketing. The work was undertaken to bring the rate of 0.1%. "Through the work of the laboratory, we were able to bring this level to 0.03%, well below the target rate. Technologically, we have the ability to reduce the level of phosphorus in the iron," said the minister, adding that the Canadian laboratory was able to determine the level of iron in the deposit and assessed the 63%. A pilot phase will be launched to determine the actual method of reducing the phosphorus in the iron Race Djebilet. Test results are expected in June 2016.
Peugeot factory: the contract will be signed in February prochainSur vehicle register, Bouchouareb announced that the Italian Fiat Group has set its sights on the wilaya of Annaba to install its vehicle assembly plan. The industrial project will complement other ongoing or planned, in this case, Nissan, Hyundai, Iveco (Bouira) and a Chinese brand whose identity was not disclosed. As for the French manufacturer Peugeot Bouchouareb said that the contract for the construction of an assembly plant in Oran will be signed in February during an official ceremony attended by the two prime ministers, and Abdelmalek Sellal Manuel Valls. "The industrial land has been cleared and we required 40% rate of integration," said the minister.
Y. D.
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