Lamamra said that "Algeria and the countries of the region came today in an extremely important".
The installation in Algiers of a regional office of centers of excellence of the European Union (EU) to reduce the risks of nuclear chemistry, radiological, biological and (CBRN), is a realization "exemplary" and "promising", said Thursday Here Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ramtane Lamamra.
The minister was speaking at the inauguration of the headquarters of Hussein Dey (Alger), with the Minister of the Interior and Local Communities Noureddine Bedoui, the presence of the Director of the Inter-Nations Research Institute United Nations Crime and Justice (UNICRI), Ms. Cindy Smith.
For M.Lamamra, this result is "exemplary" because it brings together four parts: Algeria, United Nations (UN), the European Union and the countries of the region and allows them to 'in action in a highly sensitive area, which is the prevention and awareness of the risks of the "NRBC".
"It 'also to prepare for taking over diligent and fast, with all the means available at national, regional and international levels, when it comes to reducing the risks" CBRN "who do not know borders," he said. Lamamra said that "Algeria and the countries of the region came today in an extremely important". He added that this is part of the "good neighbor policy".
"The prevention of such disasters (nuclear, radiological ...), involving man and nature, is a beautiful demonstration of what should be good neighbors," he said. The result is also promising, according M.Lamamra in terms of human capacity, training, resource mobilization, cooperation and partnership, both regionally and internationally. Minister of State also indicated that the presence of the Director of UNICRI in the opening ceremony expressed a "desire to increase collaboration between his example, Algeria and the countries of the region".
Stressing, in this regard, "the active support of the EU and other organizations," M.Lamamra said: "What we see today will have extensions extremely positive in Algeria and throughout the region."
In addition, the centers of excellence initiative aims to implement a coherent and coordinated approach and strengthening institutional capacity for risk mitigation "CBRN" nationally, regionally and internationally.
The origin of the risks may be criminal (proliferation, theft, sabotage and illicit trafficking), accidental (industrial disaster, waste, transport) or natural (mainly pandemics).
The initiative is funded by the European Commission and developed jointly by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice. The regional office for North Africa and the Sahel is housed in the national delegation to big risks and managed by the Director of the Office, Ms. Kheira Bradai.
The Regional Office of North Africa and the Sahel currently covers Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Niger and Burkina Faso.
53 partner countries have joined the initiative through eight regional offices around the world (Abu Dhabi, Algiers, Amman, Manila, Nairobi, Rabat, Tashkent and Tbilisi).
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