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sabato 12 luglio 2014

The anonymous CV, weapon anti-discrimination or gas plant?

According to "The"
Tool against discrimination for some, administrative burden for others. Recently unearthed by the Council of State, the anonymous CV, adopted in 2006 but never entered into force, suffers from a lack of political will, but also a union and employer support.
The State Council has presented the topic on the table Wednesday, summing the Government to take within six months of the Enforcement Decree of the Act of 2006 which makes it mandatory anonymous CV in companies with more than 50 employees.
In experiments studies, successive governments have been constantly pushing the deadline.
The State Council has recognized that the development of the text encountered "difficulties" and that the conduct "experiments and their evaluation" took time, but found that this did not justify such a delay.
Valls The government has not yet taken a position on the subject. As foreseen in the roadmap after social conference this week, it will introduce in September a working group on discrimination at work, with the social partners and the most involved organizations. "On this basis we will decide," said Will we in the Ministry of Labour, which does not exclude change the text on the anonymous CV in a larger project law.
According to its advocates, the anonymous CV enables the victims of prejudice related to skin color, name, place of residence, age or physical appearance to get a first job interview.
"There are interesting experiences on the subject but there are also studies a bit mixed," nuance does one department.
A study was published in April 2011 by the Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST)​​, in collaboration with Pôle emploi. It concludes that the anonymous CV "penalize" job seekers from immigrant or resident in sensitive areas, which would have only a 22 chance of getting an interview with an anonymous CV, against a 10 chance registered with a resume.
These results, obtained from a non-representative sample of firms are described as "unexpected" by the authors.
"The companies that participated in the study, who are willing to test a policy against discrimination, probably already apply a + + positive discrimination in normal times," says Thomas The Barbanchon, one of the authors. They are therefore more understanding gaps in a CV can observe that when the candidate is an immigrant.
- "Not the alpha and omega" -
These "totally strange results" are "contradicted by all testings made ​​in France and Europe," says meanwhile the director of the Discrimination Observatory Jean-François Amadieu, a staunch defender of anonymous CVs.
Another objection to the device: its implementation would be "difficult," says The Barbanchon. "It will be expensive for companies to anonymize all CVs effectively and it will be difficult for the administration to verify that this is actually done."
This fear is shared by some employers. The Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises sees a "false good idea" that "greater" recruitment "no positive effect".
The unions, none due to the generalization of the anonymous CV a workhorse. No center has responded to the decision of the State Council.
During the last decade, many companies and communities have experienced the device, including Axa, Total, PSA, La Poste or the department of Essonne. Since 2008, the Aquitaine region performs all its recruitment on the basis of anonymous CVs.
"There are no additional costs or time," says Naima Charaï, regional advisor for the fight against discrimination. "For us, she says, it is a great tool for diversification of applications, but this is not the alpha and omega, this is only the element of the fight against discrimination."
Between 2010 and 2012, the region claims to have identified an average of 30% more applications than before the introduction of anonymous CVs.
"We have testimonials of people who recruited by self-censorship would not have applied without the anonymous CV for fear of being dismissed from their photo, their name, their origins," says Ms. Charaï.

Between "for" and "against" the executive has six months to decide.

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