The current level of oil prices strongly penalize US companies specialized in the production of shale oil.
Saudi Arabia had decided to do nothing faced with plummeting oil prices. According to its strategy, challenged incidentally in the same Opec, the oil shale extraction, would no longer profitable after a certain level of oil prices. This would push the United States to abandon the exploitation of this resource and hence push prices upward. A position disputed by many observers and in the same including several OPEC members favored a reduction in their production ceiling to cope with the oil price collapse.
Time seems to work in favor of the position advocated by the leader of the cartel. It is in any case confirmed by the interview given by Bertrand Chokrane, French economist at the World Sputnik size information website. According to him, the Americans are back to the wall. They must do everything to trace the price of black gold. This is the story of the biter. After being launched in the production of shale oil, which has resulted in flooding the market to the point of impact ominously over the black gold the United States will probably have to walk back.
Some countries not least have already been affected by the example of Canada, which entered recession. The economies of the members of the Organization of Petroleum-producing countries were tested for their terribly. Algeria will be facing in trying to boost its production and promote non-hydrocarbon sectors to break its dependence on black gold. In turn, the Americans are on the verge of a masterful backlash if one believes demonstrate an internationally renowned expert. Under duress they will help lift a barrel of this plight to which they are not strangers. The reason? The current level of oil prices, which is below the 50 dollars heavily penalize US companies specialized in the production of shale oil. "When the barrel drops below 50 dollars, the oil sector companies are in very different situations," begins by explaining Chokrane Bertrand, an economist and president of the BC Consulting company in an interview with the news website Sputnik. As they suffer the consequences in the same way? The expert refines his analysis: "Everything depends on the profitability thresholds and extraction techniques.
Majors "are still profitable. (...) This is not the case of small structures, shale gas companies or oil services companies, "he says. What will happen then? "The United States, that focus on shale oil production since 2006, can not let depreciate to as low their oil stocks," notes The boss of BC Consulting. "This is why the oil prices can only go up," says Bertrand Chokrane. Good news that would tend to strengthen the position of Saudi Arabia has decided to pass up prices to counter the production of US shale oil of which flooded an already bloated market.
An initiative that has largely contributed to bring down the prices of more than 50% since June 2014. "It is not in the interest of producers of OPEC to cut production, whatever the price ( ...). It drops to 20, 40, 50 or 60 dollars, it is not appropriate to reduce supply ", said, in December 2014, the Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Nuaimi, the Middle East Economic Survey (Mees), an authoritative trade magazine in the world on the issues of gas and oil. A position that would begin to bear fruit if one refers to the comments of the president of BC Consulting. Riyadh she will capitulate Washington? Wait and see ...
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