Freed of the constraints and obstacles related to the battles of the menagerie, the constitutional review has found a political climax was missing from the famous promise of some Bouteflika April 15, 2011, in the wake of the events that have shaken the Arab countries.
After three consultations Abdelkader Bensalah Abdelmalek Sellal and Ahmed Ouyahia, the head of state has just approved the project that will soon be passed by both houses of parliament, after a final transition to the Cabinet.
Moreover, evokes a power unexpected means of Chief of Staff of the Presidency, Ahmed Ouyahia, tomorrow to bring more clarity on this site. According to rumors, Ouyahia seems to have felt the need to clarify that, as constitutional experts have highlighted anomalies in the final communiqué of the Presidency, which had decided to adopt the review mode.
So everyone is surprised that Bouteflika has spoken of the parliamentary road to get his first project, so that this provision is a "prerogative" attributed to the Constitutional Council.
Articles 174 and 176 of the Basic Law are explicit about the fact that this is what the Council, currently chaired by Mourad Medelci, who "will give its opinion on the procedure by which the text will be discussed and adopted by Parliament."
In particular, the Constitutional Council is to say how, referendum or not, they have to choose, based on the content of the changes, the wealth of new devices conversions and scope of the review that could affect the overall balance of the political system of the state and the great founding principles of the Republic of Algeria.
But beyond this "controversy", the first concern of Bouteflika and his supporters is to create a new political momentum around this revision, to seek this famous "consensus" which puts everyone.
With the launch of a debate with political parties, associations, NGOs and national figures or with the national media public and private, on the content of the review or schema changes, the head of state to succeed it bet that sought to long: to satisfy the opposition more refractory.
Already, it plans to create an independent body to oversee and monitor the elections is a positive response to the demands of the National Coordination of freedom and democratic transition (CNLTD).
A difficult challenge, but could, if properly conducted, back on track, the concept of national consensus developed by SBB. Following the funeral of the national hero late Aït Ahmed, the presidential party could exploit the enthusiasm of citizens and their respect for the ideals of this historic man to revive the idea of consensus, she knows this year 2016, if It starts with the policy, dedicating a new constitution that establish "the second republic" or "civil state" should continue with the heavy tears and thorough discussion of the economic crisis bottom.
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