All themes facing Abdessalem Bouchouareb without subterfuge. Because he wants to "explain" and intends to clarify things so that citizens are informed about all the issues that plague for months, the political debate. First, what is the current run of success? "All this fuss around the LF 2016 is for me a destabilization of the affairs of the government team to which I belong," he said in a barely muffled the message to those address which shall give it the temptation to go it alone.
Man is aware of the challenges that has gained in parliamentary mysteries where everything is not completely black nor completely pink. "The company and the government are on the go and want to get out of this head-to-head with the annuity. In front, I would listen mentality fossilized permanently ... Reforming hassles many interests and causes resistance to change," says Bouchouareb in a time when all appetites are set on a sector in profound change in which, he said, rightly or wrongly, who knows, there is much to do. "False," he said repeatedly and methodically develop its arguments on "new configuration of large industrial groups capable of synergies."
Everything for the real industrial partnership, not focused on privatization but on the creation of these structural groups, able to influence the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises and the media industry, which the country badly needs. "We have all the means to new groups, starting with the development plans, the alignment of executive compensation, the decriminalization of management independence and act against the protection decision. We also released the code of public contracts. We look back performance and competitiveness, "he said, before concluding with a bet on his custody" requirement and also the intransigence with the managers. "
A few days before the end of 'year, the Finance Act 2016 still stirs mixed reactions. What do you think of all this controversy?
Before becoming Minister of Industry and Mines, I was an elected official who served the National Assembly for two terms and was almost half of the mandate of the legislature. I have great respect for my friends deputies, including those who do not share my beliefs. I was also a member of various committees and I can vouch, debates, contrary to what one might assume the legislative activity, they have always been the same intensity.
However, sovereignty is ultimately up to the plenary. I am a democrat, republican, respectful of the sovereign decisions of the institutions and once a text adopted by both houses, I do a duty to respect. The government presented its projects, the ministers, each in respect of it, defended it in committee, MEPs discussed the vote and has ruled. I understand that you can not impose his opinion, but it is the rule in all democracies
supports the majority of the text, he would, however, amazed. So I think controversy truce.
The LF 2016 but this has yet to be described as anti-national, unconstitutional and reversing social gains. Some even said that it was not quite the same text that was presented by the Cabinet ...
Since the ports myself, I'll answer with great sincerity. I heard you like all these statements, sometimes these very serious allegations to doubt the patriotism of Ministers and leaders of the nation. We also saw alliances are formed against nature. Everyone is free, but you must keep right. Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, it is our policy to avoid unnecessary controversy and come to power and stay focused on the action plan of the government based on the electoral program of the President of the Republic.
Article 66: "Everything is a pretext to attack the government"
On the other hand, I think we should stop giving moral lessons to give too who must propose a project-cons. I see no contraindications proposals, if not free attacks that attempt to demoralize the citizens. If they could avoid at least interfere, pollute the other, it would not hurt. Economically particular, I feel no credible response to the Algerian opposition.
All the excitement around the 2016 LF is for me a destabilization of the affairs of the government team to which I belong and shows its strength in recent months, solidarity, determination and the ability to break the back of inaction and the reform of 'Algeria to become an emerging country. The company and the government are on the go and want to get out of this head to head, with the revenue. In front, I feel listening permanent mentality fossilized with recipes twirl. Reforming hassle many interests and causes natural resistance to change.
It 'still pathetic to this level. When I hear the texts vary, walking towards the camera, I want to invite these people to read the final communiqué of the Presidency circulated a few minutes after the Council of Ministers on October 6, 2015. This press meet all applications on LF 2016, the truth of the situation , the fight against waste, corruption, the Association Agreement with the EU, the investment code, the right of first refusal.
What does it mean to ask the president not to sign the LF 2016? And 'adventurism blind and attempt to block the country. Do not sign a budget simply it means that from 1 January 2016, officials would not receive their salaries, public investment and subsidies would be stopped. The stability has already cost us dearly. Algerians are not willing to pay a new invoice. I tell them Algeria will not be blocked.
But there are still a decline on the social ...
False. The Finance Act 2016 is my normal budget which it intervenes in a particular context. But first, the budget commitments, is also needed for budgetary commitments.
Even on the merits, the arguments do not hold. It is a budget of 4,500 billion dinars. Take for example the social component. Social transfers from the state budget grow 2016-1840500000000 DA, representing 9.8% of GDP and an evolution of 7.5% compared to 2015, almost twice the rate of inflation. Compared to 2015, social transfers increased in the state budget by 19.9 to 23.1%. Social transfers are all that is related to support for housing, education, public health and family as subsidies to the prices of commodities, such as cereals, milk, sugar and oil. In this budget to support. There are also indirect subsidies in the order of 1.5 billion dinars. I cite three examples inspiration: in 2016 the state will pay more than 630 billion dinars, more than $ 6 billion for the difference between the actual prices of fuels including quantities and prices of imports of their disposal; more than 750 billion dinars for the difference between the actual price of natural gas and its price for consumers; Finally, is 154 billion DA balancing contribution to the company Sonelgaz. Salaries and bonuses are guaranteed are not frozen. This is the truth. I wonder, where is the abandonment of the principle of social justice? At the last Council of Ministers, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has stressed that despite the decline of nearly 50% of revenues from hydrocarbons, Algeria will continue to devote nearly 40% of its spending on public investment and over 20 % of its budget for human development and the welfare of families. This does not preclude, at the same time to pursue ways of budget efficiency in the fight against waste. This is another direction of the President, because it is the sustainability of our social model.
She speaks of a desire for reform, but many of your social partners consider that there are no major economic reforms in the LF 2016? We are not back in the field of economic reforms?
This is not what I hear from me. Laws and further funding for 2015 and 2016 that are part of the same route to increase sustainable growth and improve investment and employment. We started by identifying the priority areas of LF 2015 and to register for the first time in the history of specific benefits to the industry before validating incentives as part of the process of import substitution. We took him around the body the problem of industrial land, for example. LFC in 2015, following the evaluation of Calpiref, we introduced a new "The faster you go, the better we'll be fine"
LF in 2016, a revolution and I weigh my words, it is done by opening the right to promote private industry to develop and manage industrial parks on land owned by them. We are gradually building an industrial land market. From June 2016, we will discuss this issue. In the short term, these measures are producing a great effect of confidence confirm that continuing to reform. That's how we build the future. Now, we have to separate the operational measures called structural reforms. Economic policy is not guided by the budget law. There are major reforms that will result in 2016 as the new law on standardization, the new Investment Code and the framework law on SMEs.
Structural reforms will have a horizon full of 2 to 4 years. But to accelerate the effects, it is normal to accompany the economic measures of support such as investment of 2,016 LF.
Now the second part of your question about the pace of economic reforms, not of those who are fans of the principle of "better late than never mechanism for consistency with our industrial ambition.
"The faster you go, the better we'll be fine"
LF in 2016, a revolution and I weigh my words, it is done by opening the right to promote private industry to develop and manage industrial parks on land owned by them. We are gradually building an industrial land market. From June 2016, we will discuss this issue. In the short term, these measures are producing a great effect of confidence confirm that continuing to reform. That's how we build the future. Now, we have to separate the operational measures called structural reforms. Economic policy is not guided by the budget law. There are major reforms that will result in 2016 as the new law on standardization, the new Investment Code and the framework law on SMEs.
Structural reforms will have a horizon full of 2 to 4 years. But to accelerate the effects, it is normal to accompany the economic measures of support such as investment of 2,016 LF.
Now the second part of your question about the pace of economic reforms, not of those who are fans of the principle of "better late than never." The faster you go, the better will fare. On reforms, we expect that all forms of resistance. You know, society has taught me that missed opportunity was in two words: too late. I say it is time for a fundamental reform. Later, it will be too late.
Section 66 presented in front of the debate the issue of privatization of EPE. Why this article? Right now? And there would be a willingness to privatize all enterprises?
This is another bugbear we wanted to shake to create a climate of doubt, if not instability. They do not even realize that he was a simple transposition of Article 62, which had applauded with both hands in LFC 2009. Until the date of publication of the 2009 LFC, the opening of the capital of the FIE was governed by Ordinance No. 2001- 04 of 20 August 2001 on the organization, management and privatization of public economic undertakings. This ordinance provides for the possibility of selling all EPE, and the benefit of foreign nationals.
Despite the provision for the creation, by a number of special charges, the rights and obligations of the seller and the purchaser, the device was fishing by the absence of mechanisms to compel the transferor to the transferee in respect of the commitments, including those relating to the obligation of investment, to keep the business and workforce retention. This deficiency is corrected by LFC in 2009, which eliminated the total sale of EPE. The percentage of capital to be retained by the resident national originator can not be less than 34%, with the possibility, in the latter case, award, decided by the CPE, chaired by the Prime Minister, this minority interest at the end of a period of five years after the assurance of compliance with its obligations under the sales contract.
These are the steps of the capital of EPE to shareholders resident sectors that have been implemented by the Investment Code for LF 2016. Even better, this transposition actually eliminates the concept of privatization investment because before opening, -it must also be remembered , the purchaser of a FIE was entitled to the benefits of the Investment Code. Algerian law does not mention privatization, but the opening of the capital. It takes a while 'to understand that regardless of the owner of the capital, the important thing is the added value created.
The opposition is suspected to privatize everything and many recognized experts say that the work you are doing on the El Hadjar SNVI and more political cosmetics found that economic pragmatism. Is not it a bit 'of both in your approach to the risk of tripping?
There are many things in your question: privatization, SNVI and El Hadjar. First, start by removing the term privatization as there is in our legislation. We did not open the capital since 2009.
I have not done since I was in the office. We come, in February to set a new configuration of the public sector through large industrial groups capable of synergies and structure of industries and perform lifts in the creation of the value chain, but also going to explore real industrial partnership. By cons, you should know that 90% of EPE are really small, sometimes an FIE reduced to a workshop, whose sales the best of them does not exceed 2 billion DA. Some are delicate situation, others have a market, but they are not bankable and others are better. Every EPE is a special case. EPE each has its strengths to move towards industrial partnerships.
"A dozen industrial centers opened in 2015"
Section 66 is there to help the public company to better integrate into global competition. For me, the industrial design and technology is the rule and the opening of capital, unlike the first privatization is not an end in itself. As the first head of the sector, I first have to not let road worker.
It seems critical of privatization before 2009. It is a failure for you?
I was only an observer of the process, I do not know under what conditions and what context they were made. This is not all white or all black. What is certain, I asked for a full review of all privatization. It 'a tedious work in progress that has coincided with the restructuring of the public sector market. We unveil the conclusions on time and believe me I will not hesitate to put in front of each buyer's responsibility. There are commitments, and we have to introduce this culture of responsibility.
Yet one gets the impression that the public sector is still lagging behind?
Think again. In the first time, the public sector industry grew by 5.7% and 5.9% mining. He can do even better because we have all the means to new groups, starting with the development plans, the alignment of executive compensation, decriminalizing the act of management and independence of decision in respect of the protection. We also released the code of public contracts. We look back performance and competitiveness. Both SNVI El-Hadjar or any other business, I will be both demanding and uncompromising with the managers.
It keeps a freedom of language to undertake the same time there was the re-nationalization of El Hadjar. This is not contraditorio ???
As well as privatization, the term nationalization no longer exists. Nationalization is when the state has a desire to establish a monopoly in a given sector. To my knowledge the steel industry is open to private Tozyali in Oran. The state has no plans to reinstall any monopoly.
I read a lot about the resumption of El Hadjar is in fact a simple transaction between two shareholders.
But I have not read anything on the very people that count for about $ 7 billion / year of steel products and reduce tool domestic production. This is the real problem. The only rule for me is an economic opportunity. I come from the business world and I act according to my interests, my strategy. My ambition industrial, steel and metallurgical industry is both structuring and strategic priority. On these issues, you have to be very pragmatic and practical. Maintaining ArcelorMittal in a structure where the company's financing was provided by a single shareholder was not justified because it would take a few years the return on investment and the removal become more difficult with the restart of the activities.
The 2013 agreement provides, for example, as soon as EBITDA (GOS) become positive, ArcelorMittal would pay off the Algerian party and which would amount to almost US $ 100 million.
The maintenance of the share capital of a shareholder AMA totally "powerless" and sleep, that is to say, without taking anything and waiting for potential profits, it makes no sense and creates a situation incongruous. By contrast, the withdrawal would homogenize participation of ArcelorMittal and streamline decision-making.
From late 2001 to late 2008, ArcelorMittal was the majority shareholder of more than two-thirds (70%) and the Algerian side was not even a blocking minority. This shareholding allowed ArcelorMittal to have your hands free, because it was paid twice: through dividends and through the many business operations between WADA and its foreign subsidiaries. From 2009 to the end of 2013 is a time when steel prices have seen a sharp decline due to the global crisis. The ArcelorMittal group has become vulnerable and closed several industrial sites worldwide. He believes that the complex requires a program of investment and the creation of a rescue plan for the reduction of fixed costs.
ArcelorMittal was able to raise funds externally from the most recent provisions of the capital, where the increase in the Algerian side that goes from 30 to 51%; which has allowed the creation of an investment program of US $ 720 million, funded by the BEA (including 120 brought by shareholders) and, as of 1 January 2014. Those who say that ArcelorMittal n spent nothing wrong. Of $ 120 million, $ 80 million has not recovered. They exchanged the loans with the banks financing in an entirely economic. 2014 to February 2015, ArcelorMittal was in a very convenient because it has become a minority (49%), but invested with all the powers of management in a company saved by public funds.
For governments, the challenge was to continue the rehabilitation of industrial facilities already committed and safeguard the activities and the jobs that go with it. There are nearly 30,000 direct and indirect jobs that depend on this platform. We took our responsibilities. Back in March 2016, the blast furnace will resume the service and we can quickly reach tons / year 1.2 million and a year after the 2.2 million tons / year. With the receipt of the draft steel Bellara and extending Tosyali and we will be about 9 million tonnes / year by the year 2019 to 2020, largely self-sufficient in rebar and wire and exporter. We have to go against special steels and profiles for sectors like the car that will reach the same maturity at a significant rate of integration including sheet metal.
Specifically, in recent months, there is a dynamic of the automotive industry. Because this late awakening?
I find it simplistic to speak only of the car today, although the automotive industry remains a structural policy in the mechanics. The basic mechanics that we put in place is very rich and diverse country. The complex of Tiaret Oued Tlelat, Rouiba, Constantine, Ain S'mara ... all this is the car, but also the combine, tractors, trucks, buses, off-road gear with integration policy is very important. A comprehensive and non-self, there are more than 40%. We have a goal to be achieved in some of the segments 65 to 70%. We engine being launched from 25,000 engines. We are modernizing the foundries in Rouiba and Constantine to provide foundry raw. In conclusion, the mechanical sector is coming back in force. We have partners like Mercedes Benz, Deutz, ZF, Liebehrr, Sampo, Massey Ferguson ... ustria automobile: "I have asked our partners more integration"
Gilds the machine is a nascent industry. It is important because the machine is a structural element in the development of mechanics in general. Today we are going towards more integration, at least that's what I asked of partners. The integration is now to be at the center of our relationship. We already active Renault, Peugeot soon followed by Fiat, Iveco. The Japanese Nissan happens, the Korean Hyundai truck mount Batna is very advanced. There is a producer supported by the Chinese government that is. Recently the United States, I discussed with the leaders of Ford and General Motors. I recently had the German ambassador who told me about an interest of Volkswagen in a form yet to be determined. Overall, things are moving in the right direction.
Our goal within two years is to reach 200,000 units. Develop the automobile industry and lead to excellence can not be achieved without a deep anchoring in the sector and the wider areas of competence. We are working to build a complete chain in terms of jobs and benefits to allow manufacturers, suppliers and subcontractors a high level of competitiveness to conquer new markets abroad. Our two directions is the integration and export.
Morocco appears to have taken the lead?
We are not in competition with our western neighbor. On the African continent, the producers are interested in South Africa and Nigeria also. With the countries you mention, there are two totally different strategies. He offers an offshore territory and satisfied with the jobs created. This is not our case. The important thing in an IDE is to not have him at all costs, but to ask the question about $ 100 of value-added products, many will stay at home and what is the share of the transfer in various forms.
what about the textile industry?
Our industrial strategy promotes the construction of industrial clusters around areas of structuring that incubate clusters of SMEs around. We opened ten poles in 2015: mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics, automotive, building materials, pharmaceuticals, iron and steel, mining and agribusiness. Textiles pole is located in the province of Relizane.
They were signed contracts for mega resort integrated textile with a partner turkish "Taypa" that produces for leading brands worldwide. This complex will generate 10,000 direct jobs and will export 40% of its production. In a few weeks we will lay the foundation stone. We have also stimulated the digital industry cluster. With these investments important dimensions, we boosterons competitiveness of our industry and will favor the emergence of a critical mass of expertise that will be able to go to stores innovation. The more we are in innovation; the more we protect our industry because it will offer quality productions easily replaceable. Bill on standardization goes in that direction.
Is preparing a new investment code likely, they say, is to stimulate investment. What are the main issues?
The investment code following is a text of the second generation that meets the new economic policy of the country and allowing the stability, transparency and readability of the legal framework for investment. The new code is based on three fundamental pillars: the adaptation of the regulatory framework for FDI; the encounter between the system of incentives and economic policy, and finally the review of the institutional mechanism.
The incentive system is reconstructed in two directions that are modulating the advantages according to the country's economic policy and simplifying and accelerating the procedures. You 'still unusual for a party room can enjoy the same advantages that an industrialist! The bill proposes the establishment of a new architecture of the system of incentives with three different levels. The first level down common provisions that address all investments located outside the Highlands and South to give them a common minimum set of benefits.
The second level relates to the specific provisions which provide for specific sectoral additional benefits (sectoral legislation) for investment in activities that fall within the area or areas of development. The last level includes the benefits may be granted, by mutual agreement, to projects of interest to the national economy.
Finally, the bodies of the investments, including Andi and CNI are the subject of a redevelopment of their duties. The idea is to build the center Andi specialized investment aid and support of the business and not as a benefits manager, who incidentally has never been his role. The administration withdrew from the management of benefits that are available through the force of law.
The mining sector is bound to you. What ambitions?
Today, this sector generates a low added value. This is unacceptable in terms of our potential. We have the advantage of both the mineral and gas, are assets that no other country in the region offer and we are determined to improve our mineral resource for both the needs of the domestic and for export. The minerals unprocessed export must cesser.D'ici 2017, we hope to double the added value created by the mining sector. Mines are a typical example of an area that is part of excellence in import substitution and promotion of non-oil export policy. This sector is gradually in the industrial dynamic to meet the needs of the domestic market in mineral substances. We plan in the short term to stem imports of industrial minerals that we can produce locally. We can reduce the bill-of imports half a billion dollars / year, increasing domestic production with the launch of recycling industries and the identification of new mineral resources. I announce this week to re-open the deposits of offerings for the mine plan and career structure for the production of minerals destined for industries and building materials.
In terms of action, a large exploratory study to update the indexes of ore in the south of the country, was launched with the assistance of international experts. It will allow us to know the true potential mining of narrow axes evaluation. We are also introducing four platforms to Tebessa and Souk Ahras Skikda for the recovery of phosphate. We recently announced one of these three projects will be implemented in 2016. It is an investment of over half a billion dollars. We discuss with the main international actors of similar partnerships. We hope to be completed by the end of January 2016. For phosphate, our goal is to reach 10 million tons / year by 2020, estimated in various forms and phosphate fertilizers supply. There is also the manganese, barite, vanadium, rare earth metals, rare metals, marble, gold and precious stones, salt, zinc, bentonite, feldspar, iron ore Race Djbilet reveals that, after appropriate treatment, a big marketability since the recent laboratory studies have phase content of less than 0.03% phosphorus .It a vast construction site.
Opposition parties who have in their view and accuse him of working on behalf of what they call the oligarchy. This discourse has an impact on the actions of your ministry to men of Algerian and foreign affairs?
Zero impact. Entrepreneurs are people who have a solid shell and know where their interests. The Ministry of Industry and Mines is home for me now is to accommodate everyone. Meeting regularly every business organizations, if my request or on their own initiative.
They are our partners in social dialogue and co signatories of the Economic and Social Pact for growth. All organizations are present in various committees such as the improvement of the business climate or the monitoring of the implementation of the pact. I recently launched a series of monthly meetings with all organizations. It 'important to feel the real pulse of the measures taken. We discuss frankly. The documents send us the employers and the UGTA are studied and seriously considered. Now, there are organizations that produce reflection and proposals and others that the only formal tripartite meetings. Each of his method. I work with everyone.
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