Tariq ibn Ziyad al-Laythī was a Berber leader. Known in Spanish history and legend as Taric el Tuerto, Muslim Umayyad obedience, called Boot to the conquest of Visigothic Spain in 711. Wikipedia
Date of Birth: 670 d.C, Algeria
Date of Death: 720 d.C, Damascus, Syria
Tariq ibn Ziyad ou ou Tarik ibn Ziyad Tariq ibn Ziyad (in Arabic : طارق إبن زياد ) nor viie au siècle , mort à Damas vers 720, stratège est un militaire de l' armée omeyyade , probablement of Berber origin , également décrit comme un affranchi de Moussa Ibn Noçaïr1 . The fut un des principaux acteurs de la conquête Islamique de la péninsule ibérique .
Il est connu pour avoir principalement mené , depuis les rives du nord de l' actuel Maroc sur les ordres supérieur de son , the général Moussa Ibn Noçaïr , les troupes musulmanes à la conquête de l'Espagne . Depuis cette victoire , the détroit de Gibraltar gates are nom : le mot « Gibraltar » vient de l' arabe " Jebel Tariq " (" Djabal Tariq ," graphie Arab " جبل طارق '),' mountains of Tariq » 1 .
Tariq , surnommé dans l' histoire et la légende espagnoles , pour des raisons peu claires , " Tariq the borgne » 2 fut appelé par les héritiers du roi wisigoth Wittiza here he demandèrent son soutien au cours de la guerre les opposant civil espagnole au roi wisigoth Rodéric3 . The obtint the soutien de la population Juive persécutée par les Wisigoths , Rivaux du roi des Roderic , on opposants à l' église catholique et du gouverneur byzantin de Ceuta , here fut an élément clé dans la réussite de conquest, en particulier en fournissant La Flottille nécessaire à la traversée .
L'essentiel des écrits concernant Tariq et provient the conquest of historiens musulmans , draws up here ont leurs récits plusieurs siècles après les faits . Ces sont donc récits sujets à interprétation . Ainsi , the historien espagnol Olago Ignacio Videla , dans sa quête d'autres sources, Emet each hypothèse controversée niant the existence d'une conquest, hypothèse à laquelle répond Pierre Guichard riche dans son ouvrage d'informations sur l'Espagne Muslim intitulé Les Arabes ont bien envahi the Espagne4
Date of Birth: 670 d.C, Algeria
Date of Death: 720 d.C, Damascus, Syria
Tariq ibn Ziyad ou ou Tarik ibn Ziyad Tariq ibn Ziyad (in Arabic : طارق إبن زياد ) nor viie au siècle , mort à Damas vers 720, stratège est un militaire de l' armée omeyyade , probablement of Berber origin , également décrit comme un affranchi de Moussa Ibn Noçaïr1 . The fut un des principaux acteurs de la conquête Islamique de la péninsule ibérique .
Il est connu pour avoir principalement mené , depuis les rives du nord de l' actuel Maroc sur les ordres supérieur de son , the général Moussa Ibn Noçaïr , les troupes musulmanes à la conquête de l'Espagne . Depuis cette victoire , the détroit de Gibraltar gates are nom : le mot « Gibraltar » vient de l' arabe " Jebel Tariq " (" Djabal Tariq ," graphie Arab " جبل طارق '),' mountains of Tariq » 1 .
Tariq , surnommé dans l' histoire et la légende espagnoles , pour des raisons peu claires , " Tariq the borgne » 2 fut appelé par les héritiers du roi wisigoth Wittiza here he demandèrent son soutien au cours de la guerre les opposant civil espagnole au roi wisigoth Rodéric3 . The obtint the soutien de la population Juive persécutée par les Wisigoths , Rivaux du roi des Roderic , on opposants à l' église catholique et du gouverneur byzantin de Ceuta , here fut an élément clé dans la réussite de conquest, en particulier en fournissant La Flottille nécessaire à la traversée .
L'essentiel des écrits concernant Tariq et provient the conquest of historiens musulmans , draws up here ont leurs récits plusieurs siècles après les faits . Ces sont donc récits sujets à interprétation . Ainsi , the historien espagnol Olago Ignacio Videla , dans sa quête d'autres sources, Emet each hypothèse controversée niant the existence d'une conquest, hypothèse à laquelle répond Pierre Guichard riche dans son ouvrage d'informations sur l'Espagne Muslim intitulé Les Arabes ont bien envahi the Espagne4
Tariq ibn Ziyad was a commander in the army of Ibn Moussa Noçaïr , Umayyad governor of Ifriqiya and general Arab- Muslim troops, they were formed by people of various ethnic origins in charge of prosecuting or strengthen the Islamization of many Berber tribes to the west of the province. Moussa Ibn Noçaïr had the ability to perform a broad policy of assimilation , bringing in Berbers in the army and confident positions commandement7 .
The name of the conqueror appears for the first time in the literature at the end of the Islamisation of the western part of North Africa, Morocco is the current , and at the beginning of the conquest of Visigoth Spain . He is appointed by Moussa Ibn Noçaïr replacing his son Marwan , governor of the city of Tangier, in the likely purpose of organizing the logistics for the conquête8 . Again, there is no information on the reason and the circumstances of his appointment to this position of responsibility. Nevertheless, it provides information because it assumes that Moussa Ibn Noçaïr would see him as a man of confidence, a good connoisseur of the land and people to recruit, a warrior, a competent , intelligent and showing capabilities martial leader and person ' recognized within the military authority.
It was only after finding Islam entrenched in Morocco Moussa Ibn Noçaïr returned to Ifriqiya . From there, in 711 , he sent by letter, Tariq Ibn Zyiad stationed in Tangier, conquer Spain 9,10,11 . Tariq was found at the head of an army of 7000 soldiers to which is added in a second time , a contingent of 5,000 men.12 , 12 000 men almost exclusively Berber . Moussa joined Tariq in Spain with an army of 18,000 men, Arabs vast majorité13 .
The contingent led by Tariq was predominantly composed of various converties8 Berber tribes . Various sources mention a contingent consisting essentially of local Berber and accompanied by some Arab responsible for learning the Koran soldiers freshly convertis14 , 15.16 . Page 215 of Volume I of the history of the Berber ( freely available book on the net , see external links) Ibn Khaldun wrote many 12,000 newly converted Berber stationed at Tangier Tariq accompanied by 27 Arab responsible for their Koranic education without no further details , particularly on the origin of these ethnic groups . The total number of 12,000 men, advanced by the Arab-Muslim narrative is considered excessively low for some contemporary historians mention a much important17 quota but the limiting factor is the logistics needed to cross the 14 km strait to thousands of men with weapons , horses etc .... It took about three years to the Arab-Muslim troops to take almost all of the Visigoth Spain , the conquest was not touched but the kingdoms of the north who were the future players of the Reconquista .
In his book The Muslim Conquest and Settlement of North Africa and Spain , Abd al -Wahid Dhannūn Taha says page 85 of his book that several Arab and Muslim writers mention that Tariq had decided not to inform his supervisor of crossing the Detroit , an initiative that would have angered Moussa Ibn Noçaîr 18.
Version that disobedience and military success Tariq reportedly caused anger and jealousy Moussa Ibn Noçaïr , which would be placed under arrest and his conquests would be appropriate , is not confirmed by any historical source . In fact , sources report a rather annoyance and surprise from Moussa Ibn Noçaïr given the wealth amassed by Tariq during its rapid growth . Historical references on this point indicates that the two men were summoned and heard in Damascus in 715 by Caliph Al- Walid bin Abd al -Malik to report on the conquest and spoils of war . Both sides were then accused of diversion of these dernières19 , 7 . No historical reference does not indicate any official club because of the role of Tariq and his troops versions stating that Tariq was taken chained and died on the road to Damascus remain unproven . In all cases , 715 to 720 ( the official date of his death) , there is no precise information on the life of Tariq , apart from the fact that he joined the court of the Caliph of Damascus , where he remained until the end of his life.
Tariq ibn Ziyad 670-720.
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