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sabato 30 novembre 2013


The Falashas who left for Israel
strain belonging to a Yemeni who arrived centuries ago in Ethiopia , while others claim to descend from the ancient Egyptian Elephantine Jewish community that migrated to the south until they reached the north- eastern Ethiopia ( Gondar ) and Tigray . Fans of this theory are pro come " Beth Israel" by the Jews descended from son born of the union between the legendary Queen of Sheba and King Solomon . Though faith anomalies "not a few clerics of the Jews of Israel purists before many questions to consider just "nice" for a reason not yet fully clarified over time have borrowed some customs and beliefs of the Jewish religion. Hypothesis , it is firmly rejected by stakeholders who are considered at all respects true Jews , as indeed they have always been regarded by the people with whom they had to do during their stay in East Africa , namely the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians and Muslims. 's opinion most reliable contemporary scholars (see Esther Herzog, author of an important work on the subject ), the first news about the Falashas day documented back to 600/700 AD the Ethiopian chronicles of the time , in fact, demonstrate the existence of an ethno- religious core "abnormal" residing in the heart of northern Abyssinia. according to these sources , for about three centuries, the Falashas lead a peaceful life , even if it was completely isolated the rest of the country , trying to preserve their customs, culture and of course religion.

"Even if - explains Esther Herzog - by the year 1000 Ethiopian Jews began to be subject to persecution and multiple and severe harassment by the neighboring population of Muslim and Orthodox religion, with seizures or subtraction of cropland and livestock and other acts of intolerance clear , as the deprivation of basic human rights , slavery and the removal and desecration of places and temples symbol of their beliefs. Around the year one thousand Muslims, but also Orthodox , desecrated or burned almost every synagogue community , forcing books and holy religious relics to hide in inaccessible places. "
From the seventeenth century, Protestant missionaries arrived in Ethiopia and came into contact with parts of the community - completely unaware of the existence of their co-religionists in the world - trying to convert an initiative that has succeeded in only partially , and much later , in the nineteenth century, through the work of members of the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews . In an attempt to avert the missionary threat , some members of the Jewish community in Europe , including Trieste Filosseno Luzzatto , began to take an interest in the fate of these foreign "brothers black" , the launch of several campaigns awareness of the Israelites of the continent saw the sincere commitment ' participation , moral and material , prominent Spanish rabbis , Bohemian , German, British , Prussian , Galicians and Turks.

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