According Algérie ,
The election of Algeria to the UN Human Rights Council of the United Nations is an honor and a great responsibility at the same time .
Algeria was elected by 164 votes to serve for three years in the Human Rights Council of the United Nations , far exceeding the minimum of 97 votes in favor.
In September , on the occasion of the general debate of the General Assembly of the United Nations , the new Foreign Minister , Ramtane Lamamra , reiterated the ' commitment of Algeria " in the promotion and protection of all rights ," adding that " this is the commitment that has motivated the question of Algeria for a seat on the human Rights Council for 2014-2016 . "
The MFA has also highlighted " the ' high sense of responsibility " of Algeria and its willingness to really contribute to "improving the effectiveness " of the Council . Not without the promise that our country will seek to improve its " own performance " in terms of human rights.
On the eve of the elections, Algeria
" Caused " by 6 NGOs, including Human Rights Watch (HRW ) , who invites him to take concrete steps to improve human rights in the country. And ' accused Algiers exercise " repression against independent trade unions " and prohibit workers ' exercising their right to assemble freely and express without resorting to violence to disperse . " For HRW , " Algerians must be able to express themselves freely and to demonstrate or express their views . "
The claims of NGOs , also , the release of prisoners of conscience freedom of expression. President of the National Consultative Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights (Advisory Committee ) , Farouk Ksentini , responded quickly , calling for the release of " campaign initiated by lobbyists of drugs and transnational crime. "
For the lawyer, "attempts to deceive the international public opinion on the situation of human rights and freedoms in Algeria , including the freedom of association , on the eve of the election of the Board of Human Rights , to which Algeria is a candidate , only confirm , once again , that the Moroccan lobby drugs and transnational crime will continue to target Algeria in its position in the fight against these phenomena and confuse them in international fora . "
In addition , the chairman of the Advisory Committee deplored the "attacks " against Algeria to " stifle his voice ," noting that these NGOs "continue to turn your back to the ' Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people , human rights, rights in the Sahara Western and many humanitarian problems in Africa. "
Ksentini also found that " the content of the report does not reflect the reality of human rights in Algeria, " based on " the reports of international human rights organizations who visited the prisons , schools and health facilities in the country and met with unions
and independent organizations activating in the field of human rights. "
It must be said that there is to eat and drink on the issue of human rights . Imposed by the Western powers in the world , including North African and Arab countries , this is often wielded as a weapon by the hegemonic forces for economic considerations , geo-political and geo- strategic . But fortunately , many believe that the idea of the democratization of the people , even their emancipation . This is to say that the analysis of Ksentini is interesting but incomplete.
It ' clear that the battle won in the United Nations with Algeria to snatch a seat upper hand in the Human Rights Council , it is a good thing. But the acquisition of such a place makes Algeria more accountable to the international community and the society of respect and promotion of human rights. So , what fate is reserved for the young blogger , Abdelghani Aloui in jail since September 15, and a columnist for El Khabar , Saad Bouokba , which can be sued by the Ministry of Defence?
The election of Algeria to the UN Human Rights Council of the United Nations is an honor and a great responsibility at the same time .
Algeria was elected by 164 votes to serve for three years in the Human Rights Council of the United Nations , far exceeding the minimum of 97 votes in favor.
In September , on the occasion of the general debate of the General Assembly of the United Nations , the new Foreign Minister , Ramtane Lamamra , reiterated the ' commitment of Algeria " in the promotion and protection of all rights ," adding that " this is the commitment that has motivated the question of Algeria for a seat on the human Rights Council for 2014-2016 . "
The MFA has also highlighted " the ' high sense of responsibility " of Algeria and its willingness to really contribute to "improving the effectiveness " of the Council . Not without the promise that our country will seek to improve its " own performance " in terms of human rights.
On the eve of the elections, Algeria
" Caused " by 6 NGOs, including Human Rights Watch (HRW ) , who invites him to take concrete steps to improve human rights in the country. And ' accused Algiers exercise " repression against independent trade unions " and prohibit workers ' exercising their right to assemble freely and express without resorting to violence to disperse . " For HRW , " Algerians must be able to express themselves freely and to demonstrate or express their views . "
The claims of NGOs , also , the release of prisoners of conscience freedom of expression. President of the National Consultative Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights (Advisory Committee ) , Farouk Ksentini , responded quickly , calling for the release of " campaign initiated by lobbyists of drugs and transnational crime. "
For the lawyer, "attempts to deceive the international public opinion on the situation of human rights and freedoms in Algeria , including the freedom of association , on the eve of the election of the Board of Human Rights , to which Algeria is a candidate , only confirm , once again , that the Moroccan lobby drugs and transnational crime will continue to target Algeria in its position in the fight against these phenomena and confuse them in international fora . "
In addition , the chairman of the Advisory Committee deplored the "attacks " against Algeria to " stifle his voice ," noting that these NGOs "continue to turn your back to the ' Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people , human rights, rights in the Sahara Western and many humanitarian problems in Africa. "
Ksentini also found that " the content of the report does not reflect the reality of human rights in Algeria, " based on " the reports of international human rights organizations who visited the prisons , schools and health facilities in the country and met with unions
and independent organizations activating in the field of human rights. "
It must be said that there is to eat and drink on the issue of human rights . Imposed by the Western powers in the world , including North African and Arab countries , this is often wielded as a weapon by the hegemonic forces for economic considerations , geo-political and geo- strategic . But fortunately , many believe that the idea of the democratization of the people , even their emancipation . This is to say that the analysis of Ksentini is interesting but incomplete.
It ' clear that the battle won in the United Nations with Algeria to snatch a seat upper hand in the Human Rights Council , it is a good thing. But the acquisition of such a place makes Algeria more accountable to the international community and the society of respect and promotion of human rights. So , what fate is reserved for the young blogger , Abdelghani Aloui in jail since September 15, and a columnist for El Khabar , Saad Bouokba , which can be sued by the Ministry of Defence?

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