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giovedì 14 novembre 2013

The Berbers are proud of their flag!

According to Jeune Afrique ,
The letter " Z" , written in Tifinagh , printed in red on blue , green and yellow : the famous Berber flag has become the symbol of a people fighting for its survival. But it is not as old as we think.
In Libya , the rebels displayed proudly on tanks or pick-up recovered the army of Colonel Gaddafi. In Kabylia , protesters display during demonstrations. In Aures , the activists distributed as an emblem of resistance. In the final of the Champions League 2011 won by FC Barcelona, ​​Ibrahim Afellay , Dutch footballer of Moroccan origin was draped over her shoulders . France, Canada and Australia , migrants hoisted in concert halls .
As Breton , Catalan or Basque , the Berbers of North Africa have their own flag: a flag hit the letter " Z" , written in Tifinagh , the Berber alphabet . Colors reminiscent of landscapes Amazigh . Blue symbolizes the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean , the green forested mountains , the vastness of the Sahara yellow , home to the Tuaregs . The red color of the symbol symbolizes life , the blood that unites the Berbers of Libya, Tunisia , Algeria, Morocco and the Canary Islands .
The history of the Berber flag is not as old as the people it represents. It ' pretty in 1970 that researchers and intellectuals gathered around Kabyle Berber Academy , an association based in Paris, consider the creation of a common emblem . However , its adoption has been delayed until 1998 to be formalized to the Amazigh World Congress held in Tafira (Las Palmas) . Since this flag is hardly recognized officially by the government, is at odds with the people on the border of Libya to the shores of the Atlantic.
If Algeria or Morocco the authorities tolerate the possession or sale of the Berber emblem free , this was not the case in Libya under Gaddafi and Tunisia under Ben Ali. In authoritarian regimes , claiming membership in the culture or the Berber language could lead to jail or club .

Read : | North Africa Berber International | Berbers , proud of their flag | - news and information on the website source on Africa
Les Berbères exhibent partout leur drapeau, symbole identitaire.
. Berbers show their flag, a symbol of identity© FADEL SENNA / AFP

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