The Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA ) plans to hold an exhibition on " The Bible , Heritage of Humanity" at the Cultural Center of Aokas but the wali of Bejaia refused to give permission to the organizers.
According to the report of Kabylia, Mr. Ahmed Hamou Touhami explained his refusal sent a written response to the EPA . According to him, this show would be inconsistent with the provisions of the 2006 law governing non- Muslim worship in Algeria .
" In response to your statement to organize an exhibition , followed by projection and conference planned cultural center Aokas , from 20 to 27 October 2013, I have the honor to inform you that pursuant to the provisions of law No. 06/ 02 of 28 February 2006 on the exercise of religions other than Islam and Executive Decree No. 07 /130 of 19/05/2007 , it is not possible for me a positive response , " reads exactly in the mail sent to the EPA .
According DieuTV,
The reaction of the President of the Protestant Church of Algeria did not expect. Indeed , Pastor Mustapha Krim denounced "an attack on freedom of expression ," which is yet guaranteed by the Constitution. "I see this refusal as an affront to freedom of expression. They refuse to let us speak . We can not organize anything outside the walls of the church. And even places of worship appropriate , we do not have, " he told the Algerian newspaper , even stating :" We have planned a Bible exhibition with photos, projections and conferences for the broad public . It is a manifestation of a scientific and cultural nature, away from proselytizing . "
This refusal is "a more injustice perpetrated against the Protestant Church of Algeria . n we refuse permission to hold an exhibition in cultural and scientific , while other religious organizations have the freedom to organize exhibitions , religious activities and meetings with state resources , it is an injustice ! "regretted for his part Farid , one of the organizers .
Since 2011, the Protestant Church of Algeria - which includes 25 Reformed Churches , Lutheran and Evangelical - part of the officially recognized by the Algerian state cults, but this recognition is still suffering from a deep distrust of the political authorities and Muslim . According LaVie magazine , this distrust is due to two main reasons: " First, because Protestants have a strong ( and unfair ) reputation as the fifth column of U.S. imperialism , then because of the rapid development small structures believers in Kabylia particular caught their strong enmity in an Algerian people for whom national identity is often confused with religious identity . "
During this time, in France , an Algerian Great Mosque is implanted in Tours, with the financial support of the mayor and the PS region, which have already promised a budget of 2.5 million euros .

The Bible.
According to the report of Kabylia, Mr. Ahmed Hamou Touhami explained his refusal sent a written response to the EPA . According to him, this show would be inconsistent with the provisions of the 2006 law governing non- Muslim worship in Algeria .
" In response to your statement to organize an exhibition , followed by projection and conference planned cultural center Aokas , from 20 to 27 October 2013, I have the honor to inform you that pursuant to the provisions of law No. 06/ 02 of 28 February 2006 on the exercise of religions other than Islam and Executive Decree No. 07 /130 of 19/05/2007 , it is not possible for me a positive response , " reads exactly in the mail sent to the EPA .
According DieuTV,
The reaction of the President of the Protestant Church of Algeria did not expect. Indeed , Pastor Mustapha Krim denounced "an attack on freedom of expression ," which is yet guaranteed by the Constitution. "I see this refusal as an affront to freedom of expression. They refuse to let us speak . We can not organize anything outside the walls of the church. And even places of worship appropriate , we do not have, " he told the Algerian newspaper , even stating :" We have planned a Bible exhibition with photos, projections and conferences for the broad public . It is a manifestation of a scientific and cultural nature, away from proselytizing . "
This refusal is "a more injustice perpetrated against the Protestant Church of Algeria . n we refuse permission to hold an exhibition in cultural and scientific , while other religious organizations have the freedom to organize exhibitions , religious activities and meetings with state resources , it is an injustice ! "regretted for his part Farid , one of the organizers .
Since 2011, the Protestant Church of Algeria - which includes 25 Reformed Churches , Lutheran and Evangelical - part of the officially recognized by the Algerian state cults, but this recognition is still suffering from a deep distrust of the political authorities and Muslim . According LaVie magazine , this distrust is due to two main reasons: " First, because Protestants have a strong ( and unfair ) reputation as the fifth column of U.S. imperialism , then because of the rapid development small structures believers in Kabylia particular caught their strong enmity in an Algerian people for whom national identity is often confused with religious identity . "
During this time, in France , an Algerian Great Mosque is implanted in Tours, with the financial support of the mayor and the PS region, which have already promised a budget of 2.5 million euros .
The Bible.
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