According to "Algérie"
Eight Chairman and CEO in 14 years, including four from the outbreak of corruption scandals in 2010! Hydrocarbons Public Company Sonatrach, the national breast nutritious, holds the dubious distinction in terms of national shame and managerial instability.
Salah Benreguia -Algiers (Le Soir) All CEOs were "thank you" in a few months after installation. Judge for yourself: Nourredine Cherouati was about 20 months at the head of Sonatrach (May 2010-November 2011), while his successor Abdelhamid Zerguine did a little 'better directing the first African company for about three years.
Currently and since last July, Mr. Sahnoune is the head of Sonatrach as an actor ... Worse, Mr. Sahnoune is surrounded by four vice presidents appointed Acting everything! So, the first national public company (the example is unfortunately true for some SOEs) behind instability, become chronic, especially since Mr. Bouteflika to business.
A situation that is perplexing both executives of Sonatrach, in a crisis of confidence, a direct result of scandals, with its share of lawsuits, that foreign partners of Algeria without forgetting the political class and the national media.
Louisa Hanoune aware?
How common, these numerous and premature dismissals were, without exception, surrounded by a secret alcove thick. And for good reason! No official explanation has been given to these awards.
Which left, also, the newspapers are feasted. Example: the voices and the dismissal of Mr. Zerguine head of this public company in the country that finances two-thirds of the state budget and brings in 97% of its currency, were not, as usual, he explained. Of course, we wanted to blame Zerguine well before last summer, his inability to stop the decline in gas production and to counter the strategy of his minister, but the real reasons for his ouster remain unexpressed.
And what looks like a "light" had, against all odds, Louisa Hanoune, president of the Workers Party, a few days before the actual departure of Mr. Zerguine, the month of July.
The latter, without citing a press conference, accused the head of the group ETRHB Ali Haddad, now president of the FCE few weeks, trying "to put his friend at the head of Sonatrach to get contracts." "It seems that the partners or managers neither the political nor the social have adequate answers to what is going on. All these people are overwhelmed by the situation, "said a former executive of Sonatrach us who preferred to remain anonymous.
Abdelmajid Attar, "have a Chairman and Interim Chief Executive Officer is a form of instability"
Often made against the principles of Orthodoxy for the operation of large companies, the changes to the head of the senior staff of Sonatrach are simply counter-productive.
Several experts who spoke that converge on one point: in a big international company engaged in such a sensitive area such as hydrocarbons, appoint a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the shot after a few months the impact of the credibility of the company that affects the morale of executives. (See the interview with Mourad Preure).
Yet, says our source, the national carrier has been directed, in 1970, with an international standard of management.
"I think originally Sonatrach (the time of the late President Boumediene) had set up an international standard of management and had his success. Politics is not invasive and tools of management control have been performed. In addition, the intervention of the Court of Auditors some issues was considered routine.
This is what we had before the break of Sonatrach. After the policy has seen fit to intervene directly in the management acts with a board of directors complacent. The result is, unfortunately, "he was sorry this old frame. Same story with the former president and CEO of Sonatrach Abdelmajid Attar (1997-2000).
"These changes at the head of Sonatrach are not in the interest of Sonatrach and the national economy," he says, especially when the oil market is deeply marked by uncertainties in particular those related to the price of black gold. "Currently there is too much uncertainty in the oil market.
The company or the company, through its leaders, must, for example, make political decisions and market regulation. Only a strong and stable management is able to ensure and to face the challenge and instability, "Mr. Attar. One element that could fail, the source said, because the national hydrocarbons company is currently headed by a President and CEO and four vice-presidents acting

Eight Chairman and CEO in 14 years, including four from the outbreak of corruption scandals in 2010! Hydrocarbons Public Company Sonatrach, the national breast nutritious, holds the dubious distinction in terms of national shame and managerial instability.
Salah Benreguia -Algiers (Le Soir) All CEOs were "thank you" in a few months after installation. Judge for yourself: Nourredine Cherouati was about 20 months at the head of Sonatrach (May 2010-November 2011), while his successor Abdelhamid Zerguine did a little 'better directing the first African company for about three years.
Currently and since last July, Mr. Sahnoune is the head of Sonatrach as an actor ... Worse, Mr. Sahnoune is surrounded by four vice presidents appointed Acting everything! So, the first national public company (the example is unfortunately true for some SOEs) behind instability, become chronic, especially since Mr. Bouteflika to business.
A situation that is perplexing both executives of Sonatrach, in a crisis of confidence, a direct result of scandals, with its share of lawsuits, that foreign partners of Algeria without forgetting the political class and the national media.
Louisa Hanoune aware?
How common, these numerous and premature dismissals were, without exception, surrounded by a secret alcove thick. And for good reason! No official explanation has been given to these awards.
Which left, also, the newspapers are feasted. Example: the voices and the dismissal of Mr. Zerguine head of this public company in the country that finances two-thirds of the state budget and brings in 97% of its currency, were not, as usual, he explained. Of course, we wanted to blame Zerguine well before last summer, his inability to stop the decline in gas production and to counter the strategy of his minister, but the real reasons for his ouster remain unexpressed.
And what looks like a "light" had, against all odds, Louisa Hanoune, president of the Workers Party, a few days before the actual departure of Mr. Zerguine, the month of July.
The latter, without citing a press conference, accused the head of the group ETRHB Ali Haddad, now president of the FCE few weeks, trying "to put his friend at the head of Sonatrach to get contracts." "It seems that the partners or managers neither the political nor the social have adequate answers to what is going on. All these people are overwhelmed by the situation, "said a former executive of Sonatrach us who preferred to remain anonymous.
Abdelmajid Attar, "have a Chairman and Interim Chief Executive Officer is a form of instability"
Often made against the principles of Orthodoxy for the operation of large companies, the changes to the head of the senior staff of Sonatrach are simply counter-productive.
Several experts who spoke that converge on one point: in a big international company engaged in such a sensitive area such as hydrocarbons, appoint a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the shot after a few months the impact of the credibility of the company that affects the morale of executives. (See the interview with Mourad Preure).
Yet, says our source, the national carrier has been directed, in 1970, with an international standard of management.
"I think originally Sonatrach (the time of the late President Boumediene) had set up an international standard of management and had his success. Politics is not invasive and tools of management control have been performed. In addition, the intervention of the Court of Auditors some issues was considered routine.
This is what we had before the break of Sonatrach. After the policy has seen fit to intervene directly in the management acts with a board of directors complacent. The result is, unfortunately, "he was sorry this old frame. Same story with the former president and CEO of Sonatrach Abdelmajid Attar (1997-2000).
"These changes at the head of Sonatrach are not in the interest of Sonatrach and the national economy," he says, especially when the oil market is deeply marked by uncertainties in particular those related to the price of black gold. "Currently there is too much uncertainty in the oil market.
The company or the company, through its leaders, must, for example, make political decisions and market regulation. Only a strong and stable management is able to ensure and to face the challenge and instability, "Mr. Attar. One element that could fail, the source said, because the national hydrocarbons company is currently headed by a President and CEO and four vice-presidents acting

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