By Slimane Melab.
In 2014 he is now leaving and we are about to receive the year 2015 and throughout the XXI century began with the wars and terrorism, in 2001 we started with the inauguration of the single currency, the euro we traveled past 12 years and 6 in total crisis. With the fall of the twin towers, the Gulf War against Iraq's Saddam Hussein which was completed on the gallows in 2005 and later are exploded revolutions in Africa, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, Côte -d'Ivoire, Mali was invaded by AQIM terrorists, Chad and Niger and later still in Asia Minor, Yemen and Syria, where it is still fighting constantly. In Asia, with the victory of the Democratic Birmanienne Aung San Suu KYT and death of North Korean dictator, Afghanistan continues its revolution without without IPER and a few strokes of terrorism in Pakistan and all of continue in the worst with the Marxist ideology, even if the world will constantly forward, these small terrorist groups will never stop until someone stronger will come one day to neutralize completely. In Europe with the Madrid bombings and some interventions terroristiques ETA. And this is precisely with the arrival of the great President of the United - uniti of America with Obama Westerners have managed to eliminate the greatest criminal the earth has ever known, in fact bin Laden was able to establish a terrorist base in the world réciclant capital and money capital circulating around the world, with Obama America has finally had free health care to the needy and not only managed to gather all Hispanics and group across America by making them understand that they are as Americans. President Obama work seriously and acting as a true democrat policies to end has not stop thinking about the regularization of illegal immigrants 4. 500,000 living in the United States President Obama is the only one to successfully reconcile with Raul (Fidel) Castro of Cuba, where everyone before failed in this feat. Obama has established a new cooperation agreement with Raul Castro, brother of President Fidel..Ce is truly a great man of peace and that it would also be nice if we would come to take that blessed word "PEACE" in Israel and Palestine ??? Would it live up to receive the Nobel Peace Prize and become best president in the world of all time. Who knows ??? President Go !!! I wish you all a happy New Year 2014 and a 2015, a new year full of well-being and satisfaction above all peace to all citizens earth.
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