According to "Algérie"
Algerian writer and journalist Kamel Daoud complained in Algeria, Wednesday, December 17 against the Salafist leader who asked his death sentence on Facebook.
Kamel Daoud mind and not new. Known for its position virulent against religion or chronic without complacency regarding President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the Algerian novelist and journalist regularly target of insults and criticism. This time, the finalist of the Goncourt was threatened. The Salafi leader Abdelfatah Hamadache launched Tuesday, December 16 a fatwa against the author of "Meursault, counter-investigation".
The writer, who refuses to be impassive, was quick to react. According to information from France 24, Kamel Daoud went Wednesday, December 17 in a police station in Oran, Algeria, to make a complaint against his sworn enemy of death threat. "I find it tragic [such threats] in a country that has suffered a lot, but I do not give more importance to it than that," says Kamel Daoud France 24. "Abdelfatah Hamadache is a simple clown Islamist. This is a man with a sense of the media developed much of the play. But I always thought aloud and will not stop because it issued a death threat, "says the author.
Earlier in the day, Daoud Kamel had posted on his Facebook wall: "kill me Fatwa issued by the Algerian Salafist movement. Signed by Abd El Fattah Hamdache. This is what is the feeling of impunity among those people." He explained the his thought: "in recent months, there is an increase of Islamists in Algeria and there is a red line. no political reaction," lamented the writer.
"Cut the religious question"
"These people", in this case, is the activists of the Front of free Sahwa, unauthorized organization led by Abdelfatah Hamadache. This radical has become known in recent months for his campaign against the Algerian Minister of Education, accused of being subject to the "lobbies" French, or his call to burn the works of the Syrian poet Adonis. He asks, on his Facebook page, "the Algerian system of publicly condemns to death [Kamel Daoud]".
Abdelfatah Hamadache, claiming the ban swimsuit, alcohol or Yule logs in bakeries Algerians, Daoud says "war against Allah and His Prophet, the Qur'an, Muslims and their country." He feels guilty of apostasy and punishable by death in the eyes of Islamic law. "If Sharia law was applied in Algeria, the penalty would have been to kill him," said the imam.
And 'the passage of Kamel Daoud program in France 2, "He's not lying," December 13, which triggered the wrath Salafis. Invited for his book "Meursault, poll-cons" - where Daoud called on his brother "Arab" anonymous killed by Meursault in "The Stranger" by Albert Camus (1942) - the novelist is back on her against Islam. "The religious question becomes vital in the Arab world. We need to cut, we need to reflect the order to advance," he said.
A wave of indignation in Algeria
The threat of death Abdelfatah Hamadache raised a wave of indignation on social networks. He wakes up very painful memories of 1990 dozens of intellectuals were murdered following a fatwa declaring that "those who fight us through the pen must perish by the sword." "It touches me, there true solidarity. This shows that people know that the problem is not me, but not to go back to 1990," he said Kamel Daoud in France 24.
A petition to say "No to obscurantism" was launched to call the ministers of Justice and Interior "to enable action against calls to the murders that resemble the worst of Algeria against the GIA" (Armed Islamic Group, responsible for mass killings in 1990). "We strongly condemn the assassination of public appeals Abdelfetah Hamadache proclaimed chief Algerian Salafist", says the text. The petition has gathered more than 1,700 signatures within 12 hours after launch.
A Facebook page has also been created to support Kamel Daoud. The opposition movement Barakat ("Enough!"), Created during the presidential campaign in April, also denounced the "heinous and criminal appeal" and brought his "unwavering support" for the journalist. The political parties have condemned "threats to freedom" as the RCD (Rally for Culture and Democracy party liberal anti-Islamist), which expresses in a statement on Wednesday, his "full solidarity with Kamel Daoud" and holds responsible "authorities against any threat to the physical and moral of a member of the press corps, who paid a heavy price."

Algerian writer and journalist Kamel Daoud complained in Algeria, Wednesday, December 17 against the Salafist leader who asked his death sentence on Facebook.
Kamel Daoud mind and not new. Known for its position virulent against religion or chronic without complacency regarding President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the Algerian novelist and journalist regularly target of insults and criticism. This time, the finalist of the Goncourt was threatened. The Salafi leader Abdelfatah Hamadache launched Tuesday, December 16 a fatwa against the author of "Meursault, counter-investigation".
The writer, who refuses to be impassive, was quick to react. According to information from France 24, Kamel Daoud went Wednesday, December 17 in a police station in Oran, Algeria, to make a complaint against his sworn enemy of death threat. "I find it tragic [such threats] in a country that has suffered a lot, but I do not give more importance to it than that," says Kamel Daoud France 24. "Abdelfatah Hamadache is a simple clown Islamist. This is a man with a sense of the media developed much of the play. But I always thought aloud and will not stop because it issued a death threat, "says the author.
Earlier in the day, Daoud Kamel had posted on his Facebook wall: "kill me Fatwa issued by the Algerian Salafist movement. Signed by Abd El Fattah Hamdache. This is what is the feeling of impunity among those people." He explained the his thought: "in recent months, there is an increase of Islamists in Algeria and there is a red line. no political reaction," lamented the writer.
"Cut the religious question"
"These people", in this case, is the activists of the Front of free Sahwa, unauthorized organization led by Abdelfatah Hamadache. This radical has become known in recent months for his campaign against the Algerian Minister of Education, accused of being subject to the "lobbies" French, or his call to burn the works of the Syrian poet Adonis. He asks, on his Facebook page, "the Algerian system of publicly condemns to death [Kamel Daoud]".
Abdelfatah Hamadache, claiming the ban swimsuit, alcohol or Yule logs in bakeries Algerians, Daoud says "war against Allah and His Prophet, the Qur'an, Muslims and their country." He feels guilty of apostasy and punishable by death in the eyes of Islamic law. "If Sharia law was applied in Algeria, the penalty would have been to kill him," said the imam.
And 'the passage of Kamel Daoud program in France 2, "He's not lying," December 13, which triggered the wrath Salafis. Invited for his book "Meursault, poll-cons" - where Daoud called on his brother "Arab" anonymous killed by Meursault in "The Stranger" by Albert Camus (1942) - the novelist is back on her against Islam. "The religious question becomes vital in the Arab world. We need to cut, we need to reflect the order to advance," he said.
A wave of indignation in Algeria
The threat of death Abdelfatah Hamadache raised a wave of indignation on social networks. He wakes up very painful memories of 1990 dozens of intellectuals were murdered following a fatwa declaring that "those who fight us through the pen must perish by the sword." "It touches me, there true solidarity. This shows that people know that the problem is not me, but not to go back to 1990," he said Kamel Daoud in France 24.
A petition to say "No to obscurantism" was launched to call the ministers of Justice and Interior "to enable action against calls to the murders that resemble the worst of Algeria against the GIA" (Armed Islamic Group, responsible for mass killings in 1990). "We strongly condemn the assassination of public appeals Abdelfetah Hamadache proclaimed chief Algerian Salafist", says the text. The petition has gathered more than 1,700 signatures within 12 hours after launch.
A Facebook page has also been created to support Kamel Daoud. The opposition movement Barakat ("Enough!"), Created during the presidential campaign in April, also denounced the "heinous and criminal appeal" and brought his "unwavering support" for the journalist. The political parties have condemned "threats to freedom" as the RCD (Rally for Culture and Democracy party liberal anti-Islamist), which expresses in a statement on Wednesday, his "full solidarity with Kamel Daoud" and holds responsible "authorities against any threat to the physical and moral of a member of the press corps, who paid a heavy price."

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