According to "France 24"
Last modified: 12/08/2014
A Twitter account published since early October hundreds of documents of Moroccan diplomacy and officials of the kingdom, presented as secrets. But the authenticity of some of them raises questions.
For several months, a Moroccan version Wikileaks troublemaker online: anonymously and almost daily secret classified documents are published on the Internet. This is among other transfer orders and confidential correspondence, internal to the government, which are intended for compromising Kingdom of Morocco and diplomacy.
This is the beginning of October @ chris_coleman24 account has indeed fuiter Twitter and more storage platforms hundreds of documents, some dating back several years that involve members of the royal family, ministers, the Foreign Affairs Salaheddine Mezouar (acknowledgment of influence), diplomats, private companies, Moroccan intelligence services of the Directorate General for Research and Documentation (DGED) while accusing him of corruption and local journalists foreigners.
Or so the hackers behind the @ chris_coleman24 pseudonym shoot everything and everyone, with the willingness to harm the Moroccan diplomacy.
Western Sahara in the heart of the matter
Political activism or personal revenge? We do not know yet. Still, a strong interest @ chris_coleman24 record, that of the dispute over Western Sahara. A territory for which Morocco is in conflict with the Polisario Front, the movement which claims, with the support of Algiers, the independence of the former Spanish colony since 1975.
Indeed, most of the cables published by the anonymous account, subscribed to numerous Twitter accounts referring to Western Sahara, deals with this highly strategic issue for the Kingdom. And make particular state of tensions between Rabat and the UN (and the personal envoy of Ban Ki Moon, the mediator of this conflict, Christopher Ross) and even some tensions with the Obama administration.
Some correspondence suggests that Moroccan officials bribed diplomats and foreign journalists, including French, that they vigorously defend the position of Rabat on the Sahara issue.
radio Silence
This targeted unpacking pushed the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mbarka Bouaida, the only date to officially reacted, accusing the "pro Polisario elements" of being behind the account, with the complicity of Algeria.
The authenticity of certain documents, however, raises questions, as the deafening silence of Moroccan officials on this case, which carries a certain way undermine the credibility of the Moroccan diplomacy, if only as a point of view securing confidential data.
If Rabat to avoid making waves by publicizing this "Marocleaks" no doubt that the Moroccan secret services are actively seeking to get their hands on @ chris_coleman24. Meanwhile, it is he who leads the dance.
Instill doubt
In late October, the journalist Jean-Marc Manach, specializing in issues of freedom and privacy, co-founder of Big Brother Awards, conducted a thorough investigation into this matter. In an article published on the website, he concludes that "the analysis of hundreds of documents posted by the mysterious raven, (...), reveals that this operation, according to the best rules of the genre, skillfully blends authentic documents and manipulated documents. "
Therefore, Jean-Marc Manach judge the comparison with whistleblowers as inappropriate Wikileaks. When asked by the reporter about the reasons for his operation, the hacker has indeed responded to the social network: "destabilize Morocco." "This is also why we distinguish a whistleblower of a secret agent. The first wants to get to the truth. The second is, if not on duty, at least prepared to handle the truth, or even create false evidence, and instill doubt "had concluded Jean-Marc Manach.
In terms of instilling doubt, including his own purposes, the mission seems accomplished for @ chris_coleman24 even if no startling revelation has yet come to shake the Palace.

Last modified: 12/08/2014
A Twitter account published since early October hundreds of documents of Moroccan diplomacy and officials of the kingdom, presented as secrets. But the authenticity of some of them raises questions.
For several months, a Moroccan version Wikileaks troublemaker online: anonymously and almost daily secret classified documents are published on the Internet. This is among other transfer orders and confidential correspondence, internal to the government, which are intended for compromising Kingdom of Morocco and diplomacy.
This is the beginning of October @ chris_coleman24 account has indeed fuiter Twitter and more storage platforms hundreds of documents, some dating back several years that involve members of the royal family, ministers, the Foreign Affairs Salaheddine Mezouar (acknowledgment of influence), diplomats, private companies, Moroccan intelligence services of the Directorate General for Research and Documentation (DGED) while accusing him of corruption and local journalists foreigners.
Or so the hackers behind the @ chris_coleman24 pseudonym shoot everything and everyone, with the willingness to harm the Moroccan diplomacy.
Western Sahara in the heart of the matter
Political activism or personal revenge? We do not know yet. Still, a strong interest @ chris_coleman24 record, that of the dispute over Western Sahara. A territory for which Morocco is in conflict with the Polisario Front, the movement which claims, with the support of Algiers, the independence of the former Spanish colony since 1975.
Indeed, most of the cables published by the anonymous account, subscribed to numerous Twitter accounts referring to Western Sahara, deals with this highly strategic issue for the Kingdom. And make particular state of tensions between Rabat and the UN (and the personal envoy of Ban Ki Moon, the mediator of this conflict, Christopher Ross) and even some tensions with the Obama administration.
Some correspondence suggests that Moroccan officials bribed diplomats and foreign journalists, including French, that they vigorously defend the position of Rabat on the Sahara issue.
radio Silence
This targeted unpacking pushed the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mbarka Bouaida, the only date to officially reacted, accusing the "pro Polisario elements" of being behind the account, with the complicity of Algeria.
The authenticity of certain documents, however, raises questions, as the deafening silence of Moroccan officials on this case, which carries a certain way undermine the credibility of the Moroccan diplomacy, if only as a point of view securing confidential data.
If Rabat to avoid making waves by publicizing this "Marocleaks" no doubt that the Moroccan secret services are actively seeking to get their hands on @ chris_coleman24. Meanwhile, it is he who leads the dance.
Instill doubt
In late October, the journalist Jean-Marc Manach, specializing in issues of freedom and privacy, co-founder of Big Brother Awards, conducted a thorough investigation into this matter. In an article published on the website, he concludes that "the analysis of hundreds of documents posted by the mysterious raven, (...), reveals that this operation, according to the best rules of the genre, skillfully blends authentic documents and manipulated documents. "
Therefore, Jean-Marc Manach judge the comparison with whistleblowers as inappropriate Wikileaks. When asked by the reporter about the reasons for his operation, the hacker has indeed responded to the social network: "destabilize Morocco." "This is also why we distinguish a whistleblower of a secret agent. The first wants to get to the truth. The second is, if not on duty, at least prepared to handle the truth, or even create false evidence, and instill doubt "had concluded Jean-Marc Manach.
In terms of instilling doubt, including his own purposes, the mission seems accomplished for @ chris_coleman24 even if no startling revelation has yet come to shake the Palace.
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