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lunedì 9 dicembre 2013

Algerian hostages DRS contact Iyad Ag Ghaly

According Algeria,,
Algeria has asked the head of Ansar Eddine sought by all armies in the region, to help release three hostages kidnapped by Mujao Gao, in April 2012 , tells us Jeune Afrique .
The Department of Intelligence and Security took attaches last November Iyad Ag Ghaly with , head of the jihadist movement , Ansar Eddine , on which they wish to press for the release of three of their diplomats kidnapped April 5, 2012 by Gao movement for the uniqueness and jihad in West Africa ( Mujao ) .

In July 2012 , he had released three of the seven hostages held. The negotiations were broken off abruptly after the arrest of three important elements of AQIM in Ghardaia by a special unit of DRS . Repeatedly the Mujao had threatened to kill the Algerian hostages. A statement of the jihadist group had even announced the assassination of Algerian diplomats.

It should be remembered Iyad Ag Ghaly has already been invited to Algeria in 2012 full Malian crisis . It was even received by President Bouteflika.
Otages algériens : le DRS en contact avec Iyad Ag Ghaly

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