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domenica 1 dicembre 2013

Flag ripped the Algerian consulate in Casablanca, Morocco process dummy ..

According Algérie ,
And December 5 we will know that the judgment will be delivered by the Moroccan justice against the author of ' eradication of the Algerian flag on November 1 in the Consulate of Algeria , then under deliberation of the Court's judgment on Thursday in Casablanca.
Deaf to the request of Algeria to be associated with the investigation of the Moroccan who snatched the flag of Algeria to enter the Algerian consulate in Casablanca, on 1 November , the Moroccan authorities have translated Thursday justice. As a reminder , N. Hamid , a member of the Young royalists , had managed to scale the wall of the Algerian consulate in Casablanca and had taken the Algerian flag on the sidelines of a sit-in to protest against the contents of a letter of Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika during the meeting to support the Saharawi people in Abuja, Nigeria few days ago.
The video was widely circulated on the websites Moroccans. Arrested shortly after the incident and charged with " undermining private property ," was , however, released on bail. The defendant said in court that he had acted with "patriotism" and "to defend the territorial integrity " of the country , mainly in response to a speech by the head of the Algerian government on human rights in Western Sahara , a former Spanish colony annexed by Morocco, but claimed by the pro-independence Polisario Front. In his speech , Mr. Salahuddin Benabdellah has called for the release of his client , saying in particular that the record - which refers , according to him, "the violation of a private home " - ". Imperfect " was its part, the representative of the Crown, on the contrary, has called for the condemnation of the young man for " damage to private property. " As for the president of the court , who tried not to let the discussion gets too political . " This is a crime , not a political issue ," he said in particular. He decided to put the judgment reserved for December 5 . A dozen French political parties and associations, including Survival Exit colonialism , has decided to " harass " the Summit on Peace and Security in Africa, scheduled for December 6 and 7 at the Elysee Palace , organizing a "counter- summit" to challenge the arrival in Paris of " African dictators whose king of Morocco ."
Started primarily by Survival Exit combination of colonialism , which is an observer member of the Western Sahara platform , the event will be split into two events: a field citizen , Wednesday, December 4 , dealing with the question of Western Sahara with Bashir Moutik participation , representative in France of the Association of relatives of Saharawi prisoners disappeared, and a protest the next day, instead of the Republic.
According to the organizers , " the city court of Françafrique " will turn to the establish a balance of 50 years of " Françafrique and French intervention on African soil . " The next day, a rally of international organizations is provided in Republic Square to say " Peace in Africa should not be decided at the Elysée with dictators ." "The organizers claim that occasion , the cancellation of the summit, at the end of the diplomatic, economic , military, police and the sale of weapons to law enforcement, as well as the removal of French military bases in Africa," he said Thursday APS with a of them .
According to the secretary of the Committee for the Respect of Freedoms and Human Rights in Western Sahara ( CORELSO ), Jean- Paul Le Marec , associations of solidarity with the struggle of the Saharawi people is " directly concerned" at the event as he said, the French government " continues to support that Morocco continues its policy of repression in the occupied territories , condemned the Sahrawi activists to long prison terms and rejects the implementation of the referendum of self-determination . " A " Summit for Peace and Security in Africa " is expected on 6 and 7 December in Paris , attended by about forty African leaders .
Drapeau algérien arraché au consulat de Casablanca, Simulacre de procès au Maroc

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