According to " THE POINT.FR "
Jean -Marie Le Pen has found the solution to the " population explosion " and ' " immigration invasion " that threatens Europe . And ' stupid as hell "Monseigneur Ebola can be set in three months," he said blandly honorary president of the FN FN mayor Marc- Étienne Lansade Cogolin, before holding a meeting on the issue in Marseille . Conversation took place in the presence of two journalists Agence France -Presse , which is not Jean - Marie Le Pen, of course, ignored.
candidate indestructible
The former head of the National Front candidate in the constituency of the European East , he explained to his interlocutor that he made a speech "very serious" immigration and the risk of flooding of old Europe by population , Muslims of the rest. This speech "is not a will, said Le Pen Marc- Étienne Lansade . I was a tribune of the people , not some kind of informant " will, he has said . This "slippage " occurs four days before the election and allows the patriarch still exists.
In his defense , Jean - Marie Le Pen argues that " this sentence has no special meaning , it is a fact. " "This sentence is the buzz on the internet . Know a number of people trying to demonize the attackers FN . They are wrong "said he added. L ' last campaign of Jean -Marie Le Pen was described Tuesday as " Poppa " Le Nouvel Observateur . The " tribune of the people ," which is no longer entitled explained the week , just two minutes on local TV , giving you yet another fifteen minutes of fame. His latest release is not only deliberately outrageous, but it is also pathetic.

Jean-Marie Le Pen in Marseille on Tuesday night. © Franck Pennant / AFP
Jean -Marie Le Pen has found the solution to the " population explosion " and ' " immigration invasion " that threatens Europe . And ' stupid as hell "Monseigneur Ebola can be set in three months," he said blandly honorary president of the FN FN mayor Marc- Étienne Lansade Cogolin, before holding a meeting on the issue in Marseille . Conversation took place in the presence of two journalists Agence France -Presse , which is not Jean - Marie Le Pen, of course, ignored.
candidate indestructible
The former head of the National Front candidate in the constituency of the European East , he explained to his interlocutor that he made a speech "very serious" immigration and the risk of flooding of old Europe by population , Muslims of the rest. This speech "is not a will, said Le Pen Marc- Étienne Lansade . I was a tribune of the people , not some kind of informant " will, he has said . This "slippage " occurs four days before the election and allows the patriarch still exists.
In his defense , Jean - Marie Le Pen argues that " this sentence has no special meaning , it is a fact. " "This sentence is the buzz on the internet . Know a number of people trying to demonize the attackers FN . They are wrong "said he added. L ' last campaign of Jean -Marie Le Pen was described Tuesday as " Poppa " Le Nouvel Observateur . The " tribune of the people ," which is no longer entitled explained the week , just two minutes on local TV , giving you yet another fifteen minutes of fame. His latest release is not only deliberately outrageous, but it is also pathetic.
Jean-Marie Le Pen in Marseille on Tuesday night. © Franck Pennant / AFP
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