The promises of the Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals keep the public informed of any development of education seem to have melted like snow in the sun.
The case 2 Sonatrach has not revealed all its secrets, continues to stimulate public debate. The latest reports from the issuance of an international arrest warrant against Bédjaoui Farid, who served as an intermediary between the Italian company Saipem and former Energy Minister Chakib Khelil, in the conclusion of contracts , raises questions.
How did the Milan prosecutors were quicker to take the matter in hand when in Algeria we can not even mention the names of the people involved in this scandal and who, moreover, are rehashed in the columns of the national and international press? The promises of the Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals keep the public informed of any development of education seem to have melted like snow in the sun.
Invoking respect for the confidentiality of the investigation, the Minister has acknowledged that "90% of people involved in the Sonatrach case 2 have been identified." It also affirms that "among those involved, there are those that are subject to international prosecution, as there is some question that are currently under judicial supervision."
One thing is certain, the Minister has recognized "the presence of a truly international network of corruption whose ramifications extend to all the continents and whose purpose is to absorb the essence of Sonatrach through complex financial mechanisms to cover crimes committed. "
Charfi has also insisted that "the octopus using complex financial mechanisms to protect wrongdoing." Thus, when the Italian justice had a significant advance in the treatment of Sonatrach case 2, the Algerian judicial authorities, sometimes citing the need for the non-violation of the secrecy of the investigation and sometimes the lack of 'new to send to the press elements are confined in a radio silence.
Algerian justice, for example, remained silent with respect to letters rogatory dispatched to Europe and the Gulf, the fate of the people mentioned in the instruction of Milan prosecutors, including their hearing and their placement under judicial supervision or not. This is the case of the former Minister of Energy and Mines which clearly is not bothered by the revelations that the plague in the first place.
Worse, where as usually it is the police and the gendarmerie that call to justice all the necessary instruction of any record material, this time the information emanating from courts and foreign media. However, the Minister of Justice said that the draft law amending the law on the prevention and fight against corruption enacted in 2006 needs to be reviewed. What would justify such a decision? Could it be to remove bottlenecks and give more security and protection to the magistrates in charge of corruption? It also include the status of the informant in this kind of business, which he believes "should not be punished because he is a fair and honest person."
In short, slow in investigating the case of Sonatrach 2 can not be justified solely by procedural games. Lawyers rather evoke interference and other obstacles due to the fact that the notion of judicial independence in Algeria is far from being a reality

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