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martedì 27 agosto 2013

Syria / Western intervention precise Towards Iraq scenario bis?

Yes, unfortunately and pitifully was buried a great country and especially very rich in history, one of the most old civilizations of the world and just to be reminded to the west, Baghdad was one of the first capitals middle east, founded by the Arab dynasty Abbasids, with its millennia sites, immortals and fascinating legends. A country that had given birth to various civilizations. Iraq we knew no longer exists in its place we find a country almost completely destroyed in the war, which does not attract any tourist which was lost to mention it name, the land of Arabian Nights has virtually disappeared from the world stage as the legendary Atlantis that we know the great civilization engulfed in the ocean or in the Mediterranean? Several studies were carried out to reveal the true position of this imaginary continent disappeared. Iraq is more or less similar with its very large story that had reversible by his fantasies several generations, now turned into ashes, the remains of the war created by America's G. W. Bush against Sadam Husein in 2003, Bush had indeed brought fear, shame, destruction, sabotage, violence, contempt, revenge, hatred, disease, destabilization, discrimination and outraged left as pain, tears of orphans of  handicapped, poorly-reduced by war, children abandoned, suicide bombers .... Than horror!! No democracy, no change no thing, as losses from Iraq of course. I see Iraqis who escaped their country and who think only the years of lead tragically experienced by their families, neighbors, friends and entourages. A country completely transformed, practically established a dictatorship of Saddam but with Day release, a quiet life, without violence and problems but actually is an another life, that of famine and despair. Here in roughly a quick sketch on Iraq gave birth to another future Iraq, Syria of Assad. In Italy we say: "Now the omelet is done," is that it makes sense to wait that long, after having lost several Syrians murdered to make a decision to respond from America? What are the goals and interests that cause them to react late Why Russia and China have the veto imposed to Syria?? they say in the West, it there's too much freedom of expression and tolerance?? Why then, the statements they never disclose their intentions to people? They always disorients us on wrong track, on the other quietly next store they act as if zero is passed? It was getting ready to suddenly turn the small fire before it becomes subsequently a great fire.
Otto autobomba in Iraq: almeno 42 morti
Here is a picture of Baghdad today

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