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domenica 21 luglio 2013

Tizi Ouzou hunt for non-fasters resumes

This really is absurd! A religion imposed by force by 645 after. J. C and up to date. After almost 14 centuries, we find ourselves in the same starting point? The obligation has become a key element in the spread of Islam. I wonder why they do not understand and above all fail to interpret their holy book from a delusion that idolize until eternity? I? I'm just saying that it is a disgrace for the Arabized who defend the true religion of the Arabs, which was imposed to their forefathers by force. Tolerance and freedom that the supreme gave freely to all human beings and animals without distinction did not come to the Arabs?? Maybe in a few centuries yet?? The ramadhan should not be a oblige! Each one is free to act as he wants!

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