To err is human, to those two penalties Belfodil were in a practice match entries in the new pink. There are phenomena that are adapted from the first days of the beginning? Except one who was the only baptized by PHENOMENON, that is the Brazilian Ronaldo. Do you remember Platini? He was left on the bench for a few months? but then the rest you all know. Belfodil in Parma and was as if he knows that in the Italian immigrants from Africa are not very popular and especially the north Africans. The time will decide the fate of Belfodil. Do you remember who was also Juary in Cremona club and later for the "Porto" club ( Potugal) Of Madjer and won everything. Sometimes you do not need to rush in judgment of others before you can give him a chance? Maradona arrived at Naples in 84 and won his first championship in only 87. If you can not sell the bear's skin before sending it off?? Belfodil has only 21 years old and it is right that we need to give time to settle in the team. I would not bet on him to unless it is inserted on the field by the coach Mazzari? Congratulations to Belfodil!

Ishak Belfodil si dispera dopo aver fallito il secondo rigore. Fotopress
Ishak Belfodil si dispera dopo aver fallito il secondo rigore. Fotopress
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