Former Minister Khalida Toumi, the senator and famous independence fighter Zohra Drif-Bitat Trotskyist MP Louisa Hanoune, the writer Rachid Boudjedra and other supporters of the head of state are among the nineteen characters Algerian asked-in a public letter Friday - made to meet Mr. Bouteflika.
"I know very well the president and I doubt that some decisions are their own initiative," said Toumi, which is part of the Government 2002-2014, when the Algerian president was re-elected for a fourth term.
Bouteflika, 78, suffered a stroke in 2013 that weakened his mobility and speech faculty. His public activities have become very rare and it seems the official television that when receiving foreign guests.
Opponents, like his rival in the presidential election of 2014, Ali Benflis, do not hesitate to speak of a "power vacuum".
"We believe it is our duty Algerian patriots to draw your attention to the deterioration of the general climate in our country," said the 19 signatories of the letter requesting a hearing for the head of state.
According to them, "the decay of state institutions, the serious deterioration of the economic and social situation, the abandonment of the Algerian leaders handed sanctions arbitrary and biased", are "notorious signs" of the ills of the country.
Algeria has lost about 50% of its oil revenues due to falling oil prices and see now forced to take austerity measures to reduce the huge cost of social transfers that allow buy social peace.
The government's plans, including an increase in fuel prices, as Finance Minister Abderrahmane Benkhalfa.
"Extreme gravity"
The signatories of the letter, sent on November 1 private secretary of the head of state, say they want to "share (Bouteflika) (their) concerns about the country's future and seek (his) actions of extreme gravity of the situation."
Through their initiative, the 19 characters Algerians "frankly express their doubts about the paternity of the decisions taken and announced" on behalf of the Head of State, analysis Liberté, which he sees as "a turning point in this fourth term Mr. Bouteflika" . The latter is "challenged to prove who rules", the newspaper said.
"Implicitly, the doubts expressed in favor of this approach suggest that the head of state is kept out of major policy decisions," analyzes his side of El Watan, which evokes a seizure of power by the "informal groups" and dares to compare with the "Russian (Boris) Yeltsin," the first president of post-Soviet Russia.
The recent decisions of Bouteflika and concerns raised included the dismantling of the powerful intelligence services and the return of their leader, General Mohamed Toufik Mediene says, in office for 25 years.
For political scientist Rashid Tlemçani, the signatories of the letter ", trying to reposition itself in the political landscape because they have been excluded from the decision-making sphere in recent times when they had been a long time customer of power."
According to him, these personalities really want to have a say in the preparation of the succession of President Bouteflika, whose mandate runs until 2019, while Algeria is "on the eve of profound political and economic changes."
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