- The renunciation of national sovereignty, national independence is hard-won attribute by including the abandonment of the state's pre-emption right which you have always been fiercely attached.
- The decay of the institutions of the State to the construction which you have so consented jeopardize the achievements of the nation and weakening the national political and social front, when the level of external threats is so high.
- The replacement of a parallel operation, obscure, illegal and illegitimate, the legal institutional functioning for which we have your commitment.
- The serious deterioration in economic and social situation Ia that strikes the majority of the Algerian people to which are made disturbing answers from the authorities of the country heralding the extreme precariousness of the most vulnerable while delivering the country, its riches, capacity to predators and against foreign interests which you have fought so hard.
- The abandonment of Algerian executives delivered to the arbitrary, biased to sanctions, in violation of the laws and regulations of Republic Ia and legal procedures in a climate of oppression that you hate so much.
Unfortunately this sad and alarming picture is far from complete ...
Only the love and respect that we share with you our countries prevent us to accentuate the trait. However, we are convinced that this state of affairs is not consistent with your quality of Moudjahed, or your ethics or your beliefs or your sense of State or President of your practice.
That's why we ask you, Mr. President, kindly let us to receive in audience to share our deep concerns about the future of the country and to seek your intervention in the extreme gravity of the situation .
Finally, far from any intention and indelicate in the strong hope that your consideration is under duress that we make public our letter. Using the press to send you our request for a hearing is dictated by our legitimate fear that it never reaches you through official institutional channels. Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of our respectful consideration and our conviction to share with you a disinterested patriotism.
ALGIERS, ON 1 November 2015
List of signatories of the letter requesting hearing
the President of the Republic:
-Abdelkader Guerroudj, Moudjahed, former sentenced to death by the
colonial power
- Mustapha Fettal, Moudjahed, former sentenced to death by the power
- Zohra Drif-Bitat, moudjahida, old lifer by
colonial power
-Lakhdar Bouregaa, Moudjahed, commander of the Liberation Army
National (ALN)
- Miriam Benhamza, moudjahida Federation of the FLN France (1954-1962)
- Mohamed Lemkami, Moudjahed, former Ambassador
- Rachid Boudjedra, writer
- Abdel Hamid Aberkane, professor of medicine, former Minister
- Louisa Hanoune, former candidate for the presidential election
- Khalida Toumi, women's rights activist, former Minister
- Fatiha Mentouri, former Minister
- Nourredine Benissad, lawyer, activist Human Rights
- Zehira Yahi, women's rights activist, the nation framework
- Rachid Hadj Naceur, part of the nation retiree
- Dalila Azoug, women's rights activist, dentist
- Badia Sator, women's rights activist, under the restated nation
- Boudjema Ghechir, lawyer, human rights activist | Man
- Fettouma Ousliha, actress
- Samia Zennadi, editor.
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