Amar Saadani, the secretary general of the FLN responded to the request of 19 personality Bouteflika for a screen test to see if the president knows or does not know, according to the head of the public requiring FLN Louis Hanoune with President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. He estimated that the owner of PT has "lost his balance".
Remember, Khalida Toumi, Louiza Hannoune and seventeen other Algerian personality has issued a letter to the Presidency a request for the hearing of the President of the Republic, Abdelaziz Bouteflika. In fact, the Presidency of the Republic did not respond to the letter writers. They decided to make public their initiative to make public witness.
The signatories of the letter explained "On the occasion of the commemoration of the outbreak of our glorious war of national liberation, we believe it is our duty Algerian patriots to draw your attention to the high degradation of the general climate in our country", according to them, this deterioration It is characterized by the facts. They cite "the renunciation of national sovereignty (...), in particular the abandonment of the right of first refusal of the State (...), the decay of state institutions, the serious deterioration of the economic and social situation, the abandonment of frames delivered to the Algerian arbitrary, biased sanctions (...) ".
This project includes a media audio / video / image: Download Now
Amar Saadani, the secretary general of the FLN responded to the request of 19 personality Bouteflika for a screen test to see if the president knows or does not know, according to the head of the public requiring FLN Louis Hanoune with President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. He estimated that the owner of PT has "lost his balance".
Remember, Khalida Toumi, Louiza Hannoune and seventeen other Algerian personality has issued a letter to the Presidency a request for the hearing of the President of the Republic, Abdelaziz Bouteflika. In fact, the Presidency of the Republic did not respond to the letter writers. They decided to make public their initiative to make public witness.
The signatories of the letter explained "On the occasion of the commemoration of the outbreak of our glorious war of national liberation, we believe it is our duty Algerian patriots to draw your attention to the high degradation of the general climate in our country", according to them, this deterioration It is characterized by the facts. They cite "the renunciation of national sovereignty (...), in particular the abandonment of the right of first refusal of the State (...), the decay of state institutions, the serious deterioration of the economic and social situation, the abandonment of frames delivered to the Algerian arbitrary, biased sanctions (...) ".
This project includes a media audio / video / image: Download Now
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