According to Echorouk quoted an informed source that the DCSA, under the authority of the General Staff from 2013, has been promoted in recent days to the rank of "weapon" that allows him to statute of autonomy in exercising its functions and management of its budget.
According to the same source, the rank of "weapon" is the highest rank within the structures of the National Popular Army (ANP), the image of the GN and the Republican Guard, which meet their missions independently and are considered constitutional institutions to enable them to exercise outside of military units and other such as the Ministry of Interior and Justice.
According to the same source, the promotion is motivated by the prerogatives it enjoys withdrawn after the DRS, whose investigations on the accreditation of foreign journalists, monitoring of political activities and the fight against terrorism.
Now the "weapon of the Army Security" will be developed by 2016, according to our source, a number of military schools to provide specialized training for the benefit of officers and directors of the structure independently.
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