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mercoledì 4 novembre 2015

Algerian authorities stress out Italy on the activities of Issad Rebrab

n-REBRAB-large570.jpgThe problems of the richest man in Algeria, Issad Rebrab is persecuted by the Algerian regime.
The Algerian authorities have formally objected to their Italian counterparts about the business of the head of Cevital and Piombino steelworks in Italy.
The Algerian government has called for the suspension of the preliminary contract chr formalized the purchase of Cevital Lucchini steelworks in Piombino, we've learned from several sources.
The government suspected a financial agreement Sellal doubt used for this purchase. For the moment, it is still unclear what will the Italian side in regard to this case ..
But the situation Isaad Rebrab was complicated by the day when the Minister of Industry, Abdesslam Bouchouareb, has embarked on a terrible indictment of the wealthy businessman accused of orchestrating statements of billing practices and false customs excessive ..
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