Anzhi two years without winning anything is not a drama if it were young, Eto'o has arrived at the threshold of 32 years old and must necessarily play to win even though I think that the money he had already made. As far as the vanity, I think that the players of a certain level there have always been in this way and it is all around the wolrd. There is one who manifests directly and who is more intelligent, discreet and confidential proves on the field as the current players: Messi-Ronaldo-Tevez-Pirlo... etc ... There are times, also put themselves in the place of Eto'o before judging him. Sometimes it is also often the errors are found in both side. Eto'o just had to get away and must find a great club that will give him the chance to win something more. I'm sure he has a lot to give, has an inexhaustible repertory. As for the left-back model, extraordinary Brazilian Roberto Carlos, will no doubt have his reasons for criticizing Eto'o?? You know it's hard to put two cocks in a hen house (Italian proverb).

Roberto Carlos.
Roberto Carlos.
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