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martedì 25 marzo 2014

Mouloud Hamrouche: "I'll never be a candidate in an election where the results are prepared in advance"

According to Algerie ,
Mouloud Hamrouche returned to the charge and is harshly critical of the Algerian authorities , accusing them of putting the country in a " stalemate " hopeless . Worse yet, in an interview published by the newspaper El Watan and El Khabar , the former head of government, and the military career, warns against Algerians' groups around the formal power " who" want to exercise power without the supervision of military and undivided . "
" I do not exclude the comparison , but I think the conditions necessary to move toward a compromise ," he warned once again that " we are all at greater risk. " " E ' in this sense that I had invited the army , he continued, not to get involved in the choice of men. " " This type of crisis will affect the discipline and the image of the army change its relationship with the company , "he said to lament the lack of a" national project " in the programs proposed by the applicants presidential elections on April 17.
Finally, in this election, Mouloud Hamrouche said out loud that " I will never be a candidate in an election where the results are prepared in advance . " Former head of the Algerian reformist wire also provides " serious problems and others who arise immediately after the presidential election , with or without a fourth term . " problems that the Algerian regime can not cope , because" it has reached its limits , that can not happen again , he can not govern in coherence and cohesion , " said Hamrouche last moment.
Mouloud Hamrouche : “Je ne serai jamais candidat à une élection où les résultats sont établis d’avance”
The former prime minister Mouloud Hamrouche

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